
Showing posts from August, 2006

Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans

New Orleans in early summer, with the sun shining through the balconies of the French Quarter, creating blocks of swirling Arabic letters on the brick and stucco walls behind them, mixing chirping Patois and languid Gulla with the broad flat vowels of Texarkana, confounding the eye and ear at every corner -- New Orleans in June is a sweet chunk of marzipan one could chew all one's days. In late summer, that same sweetness will cloy, and produce what are known locally as the vapors, the aversion to all things warm and honeyed. Women will put a dash of vinegar in their soups and bathwater; men will sprinkle cucumber and lemon into their handkerchieves, and decorously mop their brows. But that is later. June is a dream, crisp and clear and golden. On Borchardt Street ... the trees on either side branched up and met in a thicket of green and scarlet, and the light that came in through to the street and sidewalk below was dappled -- at midday it was like walking through confetti. The f...

The Once & Future President

Al Gore Speech: Climate Change Solutions Thursday, August 31st Gerald Lynch Theater 899 Tenth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10019 Civic Action and the World Resources Institute are cosponsoring a major speech with Al Gore on climate change and energy at the Gerald W. Lynch Theater in Manhattan. Former Vice President Al Gore is ready to take the success of An Inconvenient Truth to the next level and press the administration on the climate crisis. Tomorrow, he'll challenge Washington to put forward a real plan to combat global warming. Cost: Free -- go to to get a ticket

Good Things Happening to Good People

Living in Gotham it is easy to run into, meet and hang out with actors -- often without trying. Some of the better experiences doing so had to do with the cast of OZ and of those among the best were those with Kirk Acevedo (Alvarez). Besides knowing how to have a good time, Acevedo is one of the more intelligent actors on the planet who takes what he does seriously without taking himself too seriously. An honest assessment of anything he's been involved in was usually forthcoming as well as an honest asessment of his own participation. Anyone who knows what being an actor is all about knows how tenuous and fragile a long term job in the field can be. Those who manage stability do so by luck or hard work or being very talented: sometimes all of the above. When one of the good ones, a hard working, talented actor, gets a movie and contract role on a what promises to be a very good television series, it restores faith in what can be a brutal and cold business. Kudos to Kirk Acevedo ...

As the Gay World Turns III

Okay so maybe they're not gay. So, who's keeping score. Thank you anyway, Mr. Goutman. One or two more reasons to keep at least one eye on the other channel: Paul Leyden (Simon) and Mark Collier (Mike).

As the Gay World Turns, Pas de Deux

Well, it is not that difficult to give the competition a whirl, especially when the competition has gone ahead with what promises to be a decently written gay teen story. OK, so World also does the teen storyline thing for the Summer. This one is interesting in that it borrows heavily from teen slasher flicks and while it is a plot device it forges ahead with character development. The tension between Luke and Kevin is right up front. It is easy to see how Luke could develop a crush on him. Here's some background on Luke and Kevin. Unfortunately attempting to steal a picture that does Karl Girolamo (Kevin's portrayer) justice from the internet is not possible for the moment. What is great for the moment is that there's a support page for the couple on Van Hansis' site. But here's one of Van >>. As the World Turns is in its 51st year. It was the first one to give us a major viable gay male character in the person of Hank portrayed by Brian Starcher. He wasn...

Song of the Week: The Marvelous Marvelettes

The clever lyrics of this Smokey Robinson song are the kind that declare an obvious, yet profound truth about the human condition, rather typical of clever Smokey Robinson songs. One of his favourite singers, Wanda Rogers, sings the lead. If a voice from the group were going to take the Marvelettes main stream, it would be Wanda's. Going mainstream was not to be their fate, although the women racked up quite a few hits for Motown. "Please Mr Postman" on Motown label Tamla was the first number one record released by Berry Gordy. It topped both Pop and R'n'B charts. The album released with it as the title song had a drawing of a mailbox, instead of the Marvelettes. Perhaps one of the reasons that the Marvelettes played third to both Supremes and Vandellas was that their crossover appeal was limited. Still they, along with the Shirelles, Chantels and Spector's ladies, are an integral part of what has been called the "Girl Group Sound." The three...

Saturday Beefcake: Andiamo a Battere

For many Italian first and second courses, it's the battuto that provides the zest, that medley of vegetables and herbs that get things going. Battuto is the past participle of the verb battere which has a number of nuanced meanings in addition to its foremost definition. Its basic meaning is to beat in just about every sense of the word, also in the same sense as the beaten path. Andare a battere in slang means to go a cruising, in every sense of the word. Male homosexuals in Italy -- at least 20 years or so ago -- use the phrase to say exactly that. So, to prepare the battuto in an all male household in Florence during that time, made for some word play. Of course, repeating the joke more than twice ... well, you know. Anyway, for today's Saturday Beefcake, from the August issue of Playgirl, a magazine ostensibly for straight women, we provide the man who graced the August cover, universal fantasy, Julian Fantechi a name that seems to come from that grand peninsula so l...

Ilene Kristen and Forbes March

OK one more post today about Daytime Drama, but this time to sing the praises of two top notch multi-talented actors from One Life to Live. Unfortunately fan club events tend to be over priced affairs where fans are often treated like cattle. The smaller boutique events, like the one held by Alicia Minshew, are the ones to be encouraged. Some fans find themselves lost in the crowd only to realize that this kind of 'thing' tends to turn the actors into a kind of bargain basement commodity. The fans, therefore, are regimented into loyal little consumers. It can be an exhausting ordeal. In spite of the high negative quotient involved here, both Ms. Kristen and Mr. March were the last actors to leave One Life to Live's fan club event reamaining until the last fan got the desired autograph. Kudos to these good people who appreciate their fans. One more piece of fan mail that came to us regarding Ilene's appearance at Prohibition: Hey Giano - just a note to let you know how ...

All My Children

So, it seems the all powerful micro-managing head honcho of ABC-TV Daytime helped make a decision that may help out one of his shows whose head writer would be out of a job if many viewers had their way. Be that as it may, Eden Riegel and her much loved lesbian character helped All My Children achieve a ratings spike that it hasn't seen since her departure. In fact, the current baby Kate story is really no more than the baby Miranda story regurgitated right down to the involvement of a menacing abuser. Again the actors have risen above the occasion for the most part. Jonathan Lavery, past abuser and murderer -- because of a brain tumor, by the way -- uttered the written dialogue describing current baddy Terry McDermott as bad news because he is after Lavery's autistic wife, who was once threatened by Lavery pre-brain tumor. Should the anti-Irish defamation league be alerted by the way? Again, Jeff Branson is an exceptional actor with looks and talent to burn. May he find that ...

Another Reason

Soap Opera Weekly like its counterparts is not a paragon of intelligent journalism. For the most part Soap periodicals much like the show themselves speak down to the perceived audience. To reiterate once again the current fan stays on because of the talent and drawing power of the actors. Two of the young actors on One Life to Live have looks and talent to burn and like many of their colleagues they are thrown into situations which are beneath them. Perhaps due to the omnipotent, omnipresent and omnivorous Carolyn Hinsey SOW has some integrity in calling a plot driven piece just what it is. So, here it is. It is hoped that John Paul Lavoisier will stay on New York and remain an employed actor and that the young Ms Gallo will be featured somewhere somehow in something that showcases what she has to offer. What is the problem with One Life to Live and its inability to manage head writers who know what they are doing?

As the Gay World Turns: A Reason to Turn to the Competition

The current Soap Opera Weekly reports that Luke's story gets down to the nitty gritty this coming week when Luke comes out to his best friend, Kevin. The gritty of the nitty is that Luke has to perform mouth to mouth on his friend after being pronounced a faggot by the same friend. Except for Daniel Colson on the competition, most homosexual storylines are retreads of bigotry vs acceptance, but could As the World Turns actually be going where no other Daytime Drama has gone before, i.e. where the homophobe and the object of his hatred get involved? Beam us up if that's the case. Here's a photo of Luke Grimaldi's portrayer, Van Hansis that we lifted from After Elton where you'll find an interesting article on Soaps and homosexuals from last March right here .

A Message from Tyler Christopher

On Sunday, September 10, I will be competing in the 7th Annual Los Angeles Triathlon in the Individual Olympic Event. I'm asking for your help in raising funds for Down Syndrome Research by pledging a $ amount of money for every minute my official race time is under my target goal. Every donation or pledge, no matter the amount, is appreciated. I will be racing for my nephew that you see here, Payton Asmo. He's gonna be pissed if I don't finish under the time so plan on me doing so. Go here for more information or get in touch with Sheri

Highly Recommended

Mark de Solla Price passed this on after receiving from his friend, Fred Hersch: I have seen this and think it is an extraordinary, moving and vitally important film that everyone should see. Thanks for considering... Best, Fred A Closer Walk , Oscar nominee Robert Bilheimer's film about the global AIDS epidemic, airs on PBS Thursday August 31st, 9:00-10:30 pm ET, marking the documentary's U.S. television debut. Narrated by Glenn Close and Will Smith, A Closer Walk features interviews with the Dalai Lama, Bono and Kofi Annan, with musical contributions by Annie Lennox, the Neville Brothers, Eric Clapton and Sade. Filmed on four continents over a period of three years, A Closer Walk depicts the harsh realities of global AIDS, and explores the intricate relationship between health, dignity and human rights. " This is a story about the way the world is " says Close in the opening line of the program's narration. The film's rendering of the world through the ...

Beat Me, Bite Me, Burn Me

Let's face it, we live in a sado-masochistic world. Experiencing the negative is much better than feeling nothing and sometimes that's all there is. While there is something to be said for the sense of the well being that one experiences once the pain ceases, feeling the pain can be quite a turn on. Thirty five years ago in the August issue, the great satirical periodical, National Lampoon , in its "Letter from the Editor" proclaimed the glories of feeling bad. This editorship can proclaim the glories of various means to the ends of feeling nasty, but the Lampoon had a rather funny, if not insightful laundry list. So, here 35 years after the summer of 1971, it is: Everybody knows that acid is bad for you, expensive, and uncool. Hence the plethora of legal highs that have been touted about: bananas, Jesus, etc. But every intrepid tripper knows that bummers are themselves a big buzz, the horror-show fun house in the Coney Island of your mind. It is as a public servic...

Matt Walton: All My Children

If nothing else, All My Children is populated by more than a couple of desirable men even in the person of dastardly abuser Terry McDermott. His portrayer is simply one of those actors who keep you watching even during the current calibre of show being delivered. Matt Walton also invites the question of where he's been seen before. Well, there's this review from the Austin Chronicle of 200 American , gay movie exemplar: D: Richard LeMay; with Matt Walton, Sean Matic, Anthony Ames, JD Howard, Mark Ford The premise of 200 American seems familiar enough: The juicy hooker with a heart of gold pulls himself up from the dregs of the city to find love and prosperity in a cruel world. Think Pretty Woman with a bucket of K-Y. Things are a bit messier, though, for Ian, an Australian immigrant who turns tricks to pay for his sham-wedding in his quest for citizenship. There's Conrad, the typical businessprat, who decides to rent him for life, and there are the other office loons. They...

Mike Piazza: Nowhere in Sight

One of the cuter urban legends here in Gotham was the one where Mike Piazza and Sam Champion are boyfriends. Not a bad fantasy at all, especially when one notices Sam in his jeans on those busy streets. It all came back as ABC-TV made this announcement: From: Westin, David L. Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:32 PM To: #ABCTV News ALL Cc: Sweeney, Anne X. Subject: Sam Champion I am happy to announce that starting September 5th, Sam Champion of WABC-TV will join the GMA family as our new weather anchor. Sam will also serve as weather editor of ABC News . Sam is an excellent forecaster with years of experience on a wide range of weather stories. He will be based in NYC at our Times Square Studios but expect to see him reporting on weather for various broadcasts. His professionalism, warmth, and humor make him an ideal addition to our now complete morning team. I would also like to thank Mike Barz, who has been doing a wonderful job as our interim weatherman. Mike will continue to contrib...

Heterosexual Questionnaire

(©1972, Martin Rochlin, Ph.D.) This questionnaire is for self-avowed heterosexuals only. If you are not openly heterosexual, pass it on to a friend who is. Please try to answer the questions as candidly as possible. Your responses will be held in strict confidence and your anonymity fully protected. 1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality? 2. When and how did you first decide you were a heterosexual? 3. Is it possible your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of? 4. Could it be that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex? 5. If you've never slept with a person of the same sex, how can you be sure you wouldn't prefer that? 6. To whom have you disclosed your heterosexual tendencies? How did they react? 7. Why do heterosexuals feel compelled to seduce others into their lifestyle? 8. Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality? Can't you just be what you are and keep it quiet? 9. Would you want your children to be ...

Aiden Shaw: Not Just a Pretty Face

From POZ: Positive XXX legend Aiden Shaw throws the book at POZ—and safe sex. HIV positive gay porn veteran Aiden Shaw, 40, is, well, a very big star. The Brit has headlined more than 50 adult films, and the HBO series Sex and the City named a character after him. He’s so big, in fact, that some retailers stock highly personal devices modeled after his anatomy. Now, he has written an autobiography, My Undoing (Carroll & Graf; $15.95), which chronicles his adventures with HIV, prostitution and drug use. Here, he previews his latest money shot.

Song of the Week: Don't Fence Me In

A Cole Porter classic rendered by David Byrne for Red, Hot & Blue Oh, give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above Don’t fence me in Let me ride through the wide open country that I love Don’t fence me in Let me be by myself in the evening breeze Listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees Send me off forever, but I ask you please Don’t fence me in Don’t fence me in Just turn me loose Let me straddle my old saddle underneath the western skies On my cayuse Let me wander over yonder till I see the mountains rise I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences Gaze at the moon until I loose my senses I can’t look at hobbles and I can’t stand fences Don’t fence me in Don’t fence me in Give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above Don’t fence me in Let me ride thru the wide-open country that I love Don’t fence me in Let me be by myself in the evening breeze Listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees Send me off forever, but I ask you please Don’t fence me in Don’t...

Saturday Beefcake

When it comes to inspiration there is so much Beefcake out there on the newstand and then to go ahead coupling a favourite menu to an appropriate recipe is a bit more complicated than it may seem. It's important that both entice visitors as well as whet their appetite. That may be redundant. Anyway, when running a photo that is entitled Mr Superfit from the semi-overtly gay fitness magazine Men's Workout the demons that reinforce insecurity are reawakened. Should the accompanying recipe promote fitness? Should it promote gayness? Should it exorcise demons? Should it be a fortune cookie with Mr Superfit's telephone number? Perhaps it is best not to complicate life so much. So, enjoy Mr Superfit and accompanying semi-naked men that rise like Botticelli's Venus from the local newstand and enjoy a very simple pasta recipe that is easy, fresh, tasty and nutritious. Pasta alla Verdura 500 grams of Fresh Broccoli, chopped Broth cubes (chicken or vegetable) or Vegetable Br...

Music! Music! Music! Ilene Kristen!

The coming weekend will see a congregation of Daytime Drama fans in a variety of places in New York in order to celebrate their favourite actors and shows. Just when it would seem that the excitement might die down, there's Monday night at 84th & Columbus on the Isle of Manhattan, August 21st at 9pm when Ilene Kristen and friends will be performing at the unique and inviting locale [and as you may have noticed a favourite around here] --> Prohibition If you're going to have dinner once again don't overlook the choice of the Wild Mushroom Ravioli mentioned in a previous post, a genuine dish to accompany a genuiune talent in the person of Ms. Kristen. If you're lucky, you'll get to hear a unique and genuine rendition of that old Motown chestnut, "Heat Wave." Pictured, a past evening at Prohibition above and, of course, Klassic Klassy Kristen as Delia Ryan from the classic Serial Ryan's Hope.