All My Children
So, it seems the all powerful micro-managing head honcho of ABC-TV Daytime helped make a decision that may help out one of his shows whose head writer would be out of a job if many viewers had their way. Be that as it may, Eden Riegel and her much loved lesbian character helped All My Children achieve a ratings spike that it hasn't seen since her departure. In fact, the current baby Kate story is really no more than the baby Miranda story regurgitated right down to the involvement of a menacing abuser. Again the actors have risen above the occasion for the most part. Jonathan Lavery, past abuser and murderer -- because of a brain tumor, by the way -- uttered the written dialogue describing current baddy Terry McDermott as bad news because he is after Lavery's autistic wife, who was once threatened by Lavery pre-brain tumor. Should the anti-Irish defamation league be alerted by the way?
Again, Jeff Branson is an exceptional actor with looks and talent to burn. May he find that great theatrical piece where he might truly shine.
Back to Brian Frons making an uncharacteristically good decision: bringing Eden Riegel back. It is hoped that Bianca Montgomery gets to be what she spent so much screen time educating other Pine Valley residents, including her mother, about: an upfront, independent and self-accepting lesbian. Again a blurb lifted from Soap Opera Weekly.
Again, Jeff Branson is an exceptional actor with looks and talent to burn. May he find that great theatrical piece where he might truly shine.
Back to Brian Frons making an uncharacteristically good decision: bringing Eden Riegel back. It is hoped that Bianca Montgomery gets to be what she spent so much screen time educating other Pine Valley residents, including her mother, about: an upfront, independent and self-accepting lesbian. Again a blurb lifted from Soap Opera Weekly.