Music! Music! Music! Ilene Kristen!

The coming weekend will see a congregation of Daytime Drama fans in a variety of places in New York in order to celebrate their favourite actors and shows. Just when it would seem that the excitement might die down, there's Monday night at 84th & Columbus on the Isle of Manhattan, August 21st at 9pm when Ilene Kristen and friends will be performing at the unique and inviting locale [and as you may have noticed a favourite around here] --> Prohibition

If you're going to have dinner once again don't overlook the choice of the Wild Mushroom Ravioli mentioned in a previous post, a genuine dish to accompany a genuiune talent in the person of Ms. Kristen. If you're lucky, you'll get to hear a unique and genuine rendition of that old Motown chestnut, "Heat Wave."

Pictured, a past evening at Prohibition above and, of course, Klassic Klassy Kristen as Delia Ryan from the classic Serial Ryan's Hope.


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