Pookie's Home

I don't think Gio will mind if I promote my new blog Pookie's Home. I've been blogging for years, but usually here. I set up my blog years ago, but never bothered. Then for some reason this week end I got inspired. So far it's going smoothly and hopefully I'll be able to keep things current. You'll see some similarities to what I've posted here, but I'm aiming to have some more content aside from photos - that will be the thing that will take time. And, only time will tell how successful I am.

I'm not abandoning Column of Life. I'll still be here. Someone's gotta keep Gio out of the gutter after those late Saturday nights.

Anyway, come visit. I have posts scheduled to the week end and will be hunting down others things that take my fancy. Toss your hat on the rack and spend a while.


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