
There was a time when the Gossip Forum on Datalounge was a particularly entertaining cyberspace, much like a funny Joan Rivers routine. In the last two years it has become painful to read some of the posts there. There is, however, one rather entertaining thread that has been kept alive off and on since February, it is entitled:
What gossip-related things do you actually know from first hand experience
(here are some edited entries)… Daniel Travanti is still known as Miss Hoo-hoo by members of the Hill Street Blues crew. Kevin Bacon is totally straight, sweet, and has the thinnest body west of Biafra. Robert Blake is guilty. Paul Newman has had his share of men. His wife has had her share of women. … Keanu Reeves is great in bed--with anyone. …I dated Craig Sheffer once (now on One Tree Hill). He talked alot about how spiritually unenlightened Sam Champion was... Craig had some interesting beliefs about how DNA double helixes in humans were mutating in a way that would allow us to contact spiritual entities. Very intense, a little off putting. There was no second date. …Met JC Van Damme and he was with a boy toy, very kissy kissy. Giggles like a girl when he's high and happy and HATES Hollywood but loves the attention. Van Damme owns a castle in Europe. When JCVD left for the bathroom (to take a hit), his boyfriend told me about it. Said there is a "torture chamber" in it but that it was all for fun because it's pure white with nude pictures of JCVD and other men all over the walls playing bongos (??) and beach shots. I asked about the castle when Damme came back and he slapped his boyfriend and screeched "YOU TOLD." He wasn't mad it was just play because he was laughing. The impression I was left with was that Damme is a nice man but has hyperactive tendencies not to mention he's a bit queeny. … Robbie Williams, thus far straight, flirts with men to the point of passionate French kissing …Matthew McConaughey is bi, but only when stoned (which can be often), and only with white very "masculine" ("straight") guys. he seems to think sex with "straight" guys is not gay sex. …Vin Diesel is indeed gay, and very kind, sweet, un-intelligent and uper-ambitious. He is surpisingly insecure and not happy about his sexuality, but kisses men (platonically) in public and plans on eventually coming out. …Jesse Metcalf is gay. Out with friends and family. Now? Terrified. …Two people (at least) on "Entourage" are men who have experienced, recently, same sex oral-loving. One will really surprise you. Clue: Very hairy ass. …Rob Lowe was hated and celebrations ensued when he quit "West Wing" (was forced out). …Mark Consuelo used to be a straight stripper, but "gay for pay". …I met a b-movie actor named Craig Chester (he was the blonde roommate in Trick - I think) who was a friend of my boyfriend's. He spent three days with us over New Year's. He showed me pictures of his best friend Parker Posey and himself the night before at a cafe. She had sausage in her mouth, feigning fellatio with it and being a total nut. He also said that he is close to Dolly Parton and that she is a lesbian, that everyone knows it in her circles, and that she has a sham marriage. I have no idea if it is true, but it is first-hand what he told me.
Publishing the favourite excerpts here is in no way a validation of truth. Although it seems that “Column” tends to dance around the issue, but it is important to state that ‘coming out’ is strongly encouraged. Should it be a source of whispered gossip, a.k.a. “the dirty little secret”? Absolutely not. Otherwise let it fly.
On that note, viz. the one that sounds "dirty little secret" and not necessarily coming out, we would like to encourage the ubiquitous Colin Farrell not to fret about the existence of the videotape. “We love your bum, C!” Also, if a young woman of dubious reputation has panic attacks because Mr. Farrell leaves a risqué message or two for her perhaps it is not financial compensation she should be seeking but ethical rehabilitation. Hey, C., there are people who would let you call them for free.