Your Sunday Stud: Tim Horn

A sneak peak at four photographs of mine that will be shown at Queer Gaze @ The Gallery 13. I'm also the curator of the show and it is a great privilege to be hanging such incredibly rich and diverse works by Lola Flash, Mark Leydorf, Jon Nalley, Marjorie Conn, James Hanlon, Marie Havens, Richard Hatter, Candace Jahn, Billy Mecca, Natty Moon, Kate Okeson, Erik Patton, Larry Porter, Howard Steiman, Mike Teters and Alan Barnett Design and Photography. The opening reception is set for June 2nd, from 6:00 to 10:00, at The Gallery 13 (658 Cookman Avenue, Suite 5, Asbury Park). Stop by and show some love on the eve of Jersey Pride.


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