Saturday Beefcake: Gnocchi
[gnòc-co] s.m. (pl. -chi)
1 (spec. pl.) Ciascuno dei pezzettini di pasta fatta in genere con farina, patate lesse e sale, che si mangiano bolliti e conditi con sugo, pesto o altro || gnocchi alla romana, fatti con semolino, latte, uova, burro e gratinati
2 estens. Grumo, coagulo; pop. bernoccolo, protuberanza
3 fig. fam. (f. -ca) Persona sciocca, babbeo
• dim. gnocchetto
Gnocchi ai Fiocchi d'Avena
(Oatmeal Gnocchi)
Potatoes (and/or sweet potatoes)
Cumin seeds
Sunflower oil
Sea Salt
1. Boil the unpeeled potatoes in salted water. Strain and let them cool, then peel and mash them in a bowl.
2. Mix the potatoes with a little bit of water, oatmeal, cumin seeds, and salt to taste. Mix the ingredients well to form a dense paste.
3. Divide the paste into 2cm-long (1 inch-long) pieces.
4. Add them to a pot of boiling water . As they float to the top, remove the cooked gnocchi with a strainer and place into a bowl.
4. Separately, peal and slice the onion into rings. Next place them in a covered pan with a little bit of sunflower oil and water. Cook on a moderate flame until it has a golden color.
5. Chop the basil.
6. Finally, garnish the gnocchi with the browned onions and chopped basil.
We found this here: ~ we are forever fascinated by different versions of gnocchi. Gnocchi tend to be eaten in cooler weather. However, they are always comforting and this specific recipe seems healthy to boot.