AIDS Walk New York: 20 MAY 2012


2 entries found.

patchworkpatchwork quilt

Main Entry: patch·work

Pronunciation: \ˈpach-ˌwərk\

Function: noun

Usage: often attributive

Date: 1692

1: something composed of miscellaneous or incongruous parts : hodgepodge

2: pieces of cloth of various colors and shapes sewn together to form a covering; also : something resembling such a covering


Most of you have been nudged and cajoled by me about POZ’s project for AIDS Walk New York, Love Out Loud VII. The task is twofold for me: to raise funds for The Walk and to bring people out to Prohibition for our gathering.

My donor page is here should you feel inclined to make a donation. I have been a star walker for years and have no intention of relinquishing the title.

The event is chronicled on and that’s where we announce the local celebrities who have lent their names to help promote. There is a lot of satisfaction in being a one man band with a twofold purpose. I am one who remains after so many have gone. This is my homage to my friends who are no longer with me—to have a party in their honour. Every year at this time, I think of them especially.



One of the inspirations for participation in AIDS Walk New York is having known a talented person that went away much too soon. What follows is a post from the last two years about him followed by a letter written by him. He was a delightful person. Would that the universe would send us more like him.

Living in Florence, Italy provides an opportunity to meet a wide variety of people. It was especially true in that threshold of time when the decadent 70s were over and the world was on the verge of what might very well be called the greatest health crisis of the 20th century. In that small pocket of time it seems, in retrospect, that there were some idyllic experiences in spite of living in the onslaught of the world according to Ronald Reagan.

One of those happy times occurred when Timothy Scott arrived in the heart of Tuscany. He was a bundle of energy that simply wanted to enjoy everything around him. He was a dancer. He was a singer -- and that was only in his day to day life. He was also a professional performer.

The happy days included literally dancing down the cobbled streets singing, "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You" with the best spontaneous choreography fueled by not too much Vernaccia, one of the best of the dry white Tuscans. Tim said he wanted to use the song for auditions. It was a blessing to inspire him just that much.

Tim was a happy blessing and the blessing carried over when he returned to the States where he joined the original cast of Cats.

The joyous culmination of knowing him came upon visiting New York and seeing him dance and sing gloriously as Mr. Mistoffelees.

Go here to read about Tim when he opened in Cats.

Given his chosen profession not hearing from Tim seemed a matter of course and was accompanied by the hope that his success was continuing.

Life of course went on and once that threshold was crossed into the Age of the "Gay Plague" so much of life as was known was forever changed.

The AIDS Memorial Quilt came to Philadelphia. There on the highest row was this panel:

Tim would be a magical cat forever.

The annual solidarity walk with those who have passed over and with those who live and thrive while the Plague is still with us has arrived again. This website and our team mates will once again ask for your support in helping to change the course of the epidemic. The face of it has changed over these past two decades and, therefore, it is time to remember the beautiful energy that was Tim and others like him. It is time to support those who are still with us in order to keep them with us until they lived to their fulfillment and ours.

Go here to see a blog posted for POZ re: Tim

Read about the POZ Army here.

Read about the AIDS quilt in its entirety coming to Washington DC for the first time in many years here.


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