The Wednesday Word: The Huffington Post

Last time I wrote a blog challenging my Democrat friends, this time it's the Republican's turn.

To all my Republican friends, billionaires and multi-millionaires, stop bitching and pay your damn taxes. How dare you make record profits and not want to contribute more to fixing our problems while some in our country are suffering the worst economic times since the Great Depression? I DON'T NEED A TAX BREAK. I AM RICH. AND SO ARE YOU!

The Vice President was right when he told the Republican leaders to "get real" during Monday's White House negotiations. Who amongst us is stupid enough to support politicians that want to protect guys with corporate jets and five homes around the world? What rock are we living under? I know this may not sound like the voice of a yogi, but even Krishna would have told Arjuna stop crying and pay your damn taxes. So, stop this nonsense and start giving.

All of the billionaires and multi-millionaires who think they work hard, tell me what box you lifted today? Most of you, not all of you, but most of you got some lucky break or your daddy left you all that you needed. I know, for one, I am one of the very lucky ones. Talent was a small second to the luck I've had while building my businesses. The "hard work" is the fun part; the only happiness we get is derived from that service. We know from all the scriptures that the results of the labor make can us sick. And holding onto the fruits of our labor will definitely make us sick.

The President has shown he is willing to make compromises and make difficult decisions to put this country back on the right track while it seems that all you want to do is play Russian roulette with the most vulnerable people of our nation. The President is showing leadership and you Republicans are showing how silver your pockets are lined by the corporate interests. That is not acceptable and you should be targeted for support. You ought to know full well that we cannot decrease our deficit by only cutting our spending. We MUST raise revenue. And those who have made the most should give the most.

I am ready to write my check and you should be ready too. Rant over. Namaste.~Russell Simmons

Comment: I've known a few millionaires and all of them worked hard. Harder than 99.9% of the working class is willing to work. Almost all 9 to 5'ers value their time off, time with family, weekends, vacations, ect... There's nothing wrong with that and in my view that's how I prefer to live. Family is more important than work. The millionair­es I have known work all the time sometimes putting in 18-20 hours a day for months at a time. Perhaps the circles Russell Simmons is a part of these people acquired their wealth via inheritanc­e. The ones I know are self-made millionair­es. Not so much in terms of cash on hand but in assets and such. Regardless­, these hard working people I know are continuall­y demonized as if they did something wrong with their life by becoming rich through their hard work.

Comment: Russell says he's ready to write a check. Well, what is he waiting for? Considerin­g his career he can afford his share in the nation's debt and write a single check to pay off his share. Is that a bad assumption to make? Is it any worse of an assumption that the rich don't work hard?

Also, what I find interestin­g is what he defines as rich. See, when I think of rich people I think of the people he's talking about and certainly not those making $250k.

~David Roman

You might try answering these questions for yourself:
Who do you work for? And what are their profits? Where do their profits come from? What did you buy today? Who created that product? Who paid for it? Yes, of course, there are many wealthy people who worked hard for their money. I would wager that they are among the first to pay up. There are a good number who could give a rat's ass. And a goodly number who continue to work against the hard working middle class and working class Americans. If your profits also come from the 9 to 5ers perhaps you should pay a larger tax rate. You might also want to consider this: just because you work harder than everybody else it doesn't mean you can't be greedy.


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