The Wednesday Word: Joe Manganiello

Well, Entertainment Weekly is good for something, you know. Today it is good for this: reporting that "True Blood werewolf Joe Manganiello just hunted down a guest role on the next season of USA’s White Collar."

At first glance, a homosexual man's mind might very well go to wonderful places--places that involve Matt Bomer and long, romantic embraces. For now they will just have to remain in the mental boudoir. EW goes on to say: "Manganiello will play a villain on the show, a recently released ex con, who brings trouble to the Burke neighborhood when he moves in across the street from Peter and Elizabeth (Tim DeKay and Tiffani Thiessen). The series is currently in its third season and the midseason finale, guest starring Beau Bridges, airs on Tuesday, Aug. 9. The second half of the season (which will include Manganiello) launches next January."

The "launch" part sounds good.


Anonymous said…
A heterosexual woman's mind too. Just saying ;) #homoerotism-uniting-gays-and-women-since-forever

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