Your Sunday Stud: Aaron Savvy

From his Facebook profile:

A big thank you to all my fans and support network that has greatly helped me succeed in the prior months. I appreciate the continued support and thank each of you that have supported me in my endeavors.

I grew up in Washington State and lived there nearly my whole life. I now live in Los Angeles, California where I pursue my endeavors in the entertainment and modeling industry! As my dreams are in the works, I use this time to inspire people wanting a healthier lifestyle by offering personal training services in person to people living in the Hollywood area, and also offering online fitness consulting to people around the world. If you are interested in my training services and reaching fitness and health goals, please visit my website at My training is centered around “old school” techniques with focus on resistance training (free weights/machines), coordination, stabilization, agility, cardio and stretching. A true trainer listens to his clients and their unique needs!

My past involvement include: Fighting for three years on FX's televised series "Toughman", serving on a mission for two years to reach out to people in need, working with youth and at risk youth, some who have been abused in “YES” programs and other programs, played in and alternative rock band, a disc jockey for major radio stations, marketing for major companies and even hideous sales work in my younger years. When the alternative rock band fell apart, I branched off and did my own music, techno rock and wrote and recorded many of my own songs. I have written and co-produced with legendary lead guitarist "Roger Fisher" from the band "Heart".

I’m currently working on producing a reality show to be televised on one of our major networks! Stay tuned for more information.

With the hundreds of messages I receive from people from all walks of life, I say this to you; keep your sprits high! Life can certainly bring its twists and turns to each of us. When it does creep into your life, take it and learn from it. Everything happens for a reason, reasons that you may be blind to nor see until down the road. Then and only then, may you see the reason. If you don’t already volunteer your time to a great organization to help better your community, I strongly encourage everyone to take the time to do this.

Again, thank you for your support.

In closing, I greatly appreciate each and every one of my fans and the continued, never ending support they give me. It’s from this support that helps me accomplish my goals within the entertainment and modeling industry. Without support from you, I cannot succeed. I truly enjoy meeting and talking with people from all walks of life.


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