Wednesday Word: Just Sayin'

Main Entry: 1con·sti·tu·tion·al
Pronunciation: \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1682
1 : relating to, inherent in, or affecting the constitution of body or mind
2 : of, relating to, or entering into the fundamental makeup of something : essential
3 : being in accordance with or authorized by the constitution of a state or society = "a constitutional government"
4 : regulated by or ruling according to a constitution = "a constitutional monarchy"
5 : of or relating to a constitution = "a constitutional crisis"
6 : loyal to or supporting an established constitution or form of government


Mandatory Car Insurance Laws - Fines and Penalties for Not Insuring Your Auto?
The United States of America is the land of the free, home of the brave. For the most part, people have the liberty to do whatever they want, so long as their actions don’t hurt others. Everyone knows that eating fast food is unhealthy, but we don’t have laws banning Big Macs and Whoppers. Everyone knows that bathing at least once a day is a good idea, but there’s no showering law on the books. We in America value our freedom to choose, and we are skeptical whenever “Big Brother” infringes upon our economic liberties. So it is only natural to ask the question, “Are mandatory insurance laws fair?”

Are You Hurting Others by Driving Without Insurance?

Every single one of America’s 50 states has laws that require, or at the very least, strongly recommend, that the owners and operators of automobiles have insurance. We all know that car insurance is a good idea, but why should the government require us to have it? The reason is that when you drive without insurance, you are not only a threat to yourself, but you’re also a threat to your fellow motorists. We Americans tolerate the bad decisions of our fellow countrymen, so long as they don’t have an impact on our lives. But the right of one man to swing his fist ends at the tip of another man’s nose - and some would argue that by driving without insurance, you are coming dangerously close to my nose.

Financial Responsibility Laws vs. Compulsory Insurance

The interesting thing is that some states do not make motorists show proof of insurance on routine traffic stops. Insurance is required, but only in the event of an accident. The thinking in these states is that the government has no right to penalize you for a crime that you only might commit. But if you fail to produce insurance at the scene of an accident, you are in big trouble - your license and registration are suspended until you are able to pay for all of the damages you’ve caused, out of pocket.

The problem with the thinking of these states is that by the time a motorist has already been in an accident, it’s too late. Most uninsured motorists aren’t multi-millionaires who figure that they don’t need insurance because they can absorb any expenses that they incur. Instead, most uninsured people are unwilling to pay their insurance premiums because they are already financially constrained, and if they cause damages in an accident, the injured parties will have no chance of ever collecting. As they say, “you can’t squeeze blood from a stone.”

In Conclusion…

This is why, upon deep reflection, even the most strident libertarian has to agree that mandatory insurance laws are indeed fair. If insurance were entirely optional, then responsible drivers would have to purchase uninsured motorists coverage, and in an anarchist insurance environment, those premiums would be astronomical. In other words, the responsible drivers would be paying for the sins of the irresponsible, while in our current system, whatever its flaws, the reverse is mostly true.

At the end of the day, the real issue is that auto insurance is something you absolutely should have, regardless of the law. The important thing is to get the right coverage for you. A good agent will match your needs with your budget and find the right coverage package at the right price. Comparison shopping is the key, and with the advent of the internet, it has never been easier to make sure you’re getting the best deal.


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