Friday Might: Lauren Kennedy's Freaker Ball

From Lauren:

Ok, so I know it is Easter Sunday...but really, isn't the celebration over by 4pm anyway? After the brunch and the Easter egg hunt, what do you have planned? How about coming down to The Canal Room at 8pm to see a sneak peek of a brand new idea of a show that I am developing with Eric Anderson and Fred Lassen

I will also be starting off the evening with a concert featuring a butt load of Jason Robert Brown tunes as well as a few new songs thrown in the mix. Not to mention duets with my terribly funny and hot husband Alan Campbell, the beautiful and E belting Julia Burrows, the owner of one of my favorite voices Michelle Kinney, the original guitar hero Gina Stewart, and taking off his roller skates for a rare appearance as himself—the hunky and golden piped Max von Essen.

Have I said too much?

Oh, good.

You also don't wanna miss out seeing the premiere performance of The Freakers Ball, with Matt Caplan, Daniel Bogart, Asmeret Ghebremichael, the father and son team of Marcus and Eli Rojas, along with the creators Fred Lassen and Eric Anderson! You will be "Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickled" by the the pure zaniness! Word has it a cowbell and googles will be involved.

Purchasing tickets is a easy as 1,2,3 ...O, Lord, just click on the link!

Come celebrate with us on Easter. Maybe I'll even wear bunny ears....


Before Lauren got freaky she got Bacharach ...scroll down for her performance.


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