Sunday Songs: Love and Death

In Songs From Liquid Days Philip Glass and Laurie Anderson gave us a vision of love and death which is both ethereal and visceral. There is nothing like it and it is a shining moment for Ronstadt's crystal clear soprano.


A man wakes up to the sound of rain
From a dream about his lovers
Who pass through his room.

They brush lightly by, these lovers.
They pass. Never touching.
These passing lovers move through his room.

The man is awake now
He can't get to sleep again.
So he repeats these words
Over and over again:
Bravery. Kindness. Clarity.
Honesty. Compassion. Generosity.
Bravery. Honesty. Dignity.
Clarity. Kindness. Compassion.

(lyrics by Laurie Anderson)

For good measure on the main site, Brian Wilson's "'Til I Die" accompanies it along with Barefoot's "Gobi Wind."


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