Tuesday Talent: Michael Emery

Good things can happen to good people and those who know Michael Emery are hoping just that. He can be seen from time to time on All My Children and One Life to Live, most recently as an arresting officer—and arresting is the operative term for this young man. This some time competitive body builder has theater and film among his credits: Private Wars, All’s Fail, One Night in New York, Doris’ Mouse Earrings, Diamond in Da Ruff, Halfway There, Hamlet, Don’t Drink the Water, Guys and Dolls, Giggle Bound, Peculiar Passion, and Love & Humor among them. It would seem that this good guy likes to keep himself very busy as if he is taking this acting business very seriously.

We also want to keep him busy and keep him gainfully employed on the best Soap Opera on television these days, One Life to Live. We want him to keep up the good work.

Here’s the contact information:

Frank Valentini
Executive Producer, One Life to Live
ABC Daytime
56 West 66th Street
New York, NY 10023


OLTL Direct Comment Lines:
(NY) 212-456-3338
(NY) 212-456-7777
OR (LA) 818-460-7477

Michael Emery, Actor's Reel from reels4artists on Vimeo.

Visit the official website.


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