Wednesday Word: Jan Michael Vincent

fall in love - begin to experience feelings of love towards;
fall - pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind; "fall into a trap"; "Fall in love" ...

Florence, Italy was quite a favola, even in the early 80s. Living on via Gino Capponi within walking distance of the exhibition of the newly discovered Bronzi di Riace, the ancient bronze statues of naked Greek sailors off the coast of Calabria. They gave new meaning to Magna Graecia. There was nothing more amusing than to visit the statues and watch nuns giving them a major inspection.

It seemed only natural that they be displayed temporarily in Florence (and Rome) before taking their permanent residence in Calabria.

Frequenting Le Giubbe Rosse on a daily basis also provided more than a little amusement and once in a while there were visions that gave the Bronzi some competition. Le Giubbe, a bar and caffe at the time was a place where every type of individual gathered and on some nights one could find the heart’s desire. There were certainly other opportunities for the heart’s desire back then and there.

Later on that Summer of 1981, The Winds of War blew into Florence with the opportunity for temporary work unloading trucks on the location. Being bi-lingual turned the opportunity into six weeks of working with The Art Department, Property Masters and Wardrobe.

Amid linguistic mayhem on the set there came Jan Michael Vincent.

His alleged reputation as a gay basher preceded him. Enlisted to help him linguistically and otherwise, brought about the opportunity to confront him on that reputation which stemmed for the rumour that he ruined The Frontrunner’s chances to be produced as a film. He didn’t miss a beat with his response as nothing was farther from the truth.

Needless to say that anyone who knew anything at all about Hollywood’s attitude toward a major motion picture of a gay nature in the 1970s even with the participation of Paul Newman, also knew that even under the best of circumstances a gay love story was not going to be made.

Jan’s response was that he and Newman did not get along. Period. As far as whether or not the book made it to the screen had nothing do with his ability to veto a production.

Working feverishly on a mini-series in a variety of capacities, while experiencing the duality of a man, possessive of beauty that rivaled the ancient Greeks, off hours was a life changing experience.

There were two Jans: one a private, sensitive and loving man, the other, a wild player. In some ways both were equally loveable.

It’s been rumoured that he is in the Deep South--Mississippi perhaps. His personal battles have been well chronicled.

After being temporarily displayed in Italy during Winds, Jan went on to do Airwolf and thereafter experiencing some gut wrenching and life changing experiences on his own.

In the late summer of 1981, he was bigger than life and at the same time warm and intimate. He was escorted around Florence and caused a minor stir at Le Giubbe Rosse and Tabasco. There was more than something minor going on in one heart’s desire.


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