Wednesday Word: Angels

There are angels in Los Angeles who are not on the baseball diamond. One of them is Greg Vaughan. Here is a personally autographed item he provided to help us with funds for AIDS Walk Los Angeles.

Go here to bid.

There were also other angels who helped us with a lovely event at H.Wood. Gratitude goes out to Amy Beard, Michelle Butler, Karla and Paul Goden. Much thanks to Debbie Morris of the General Hospital Fan Club and Debby O'Connor of who helped promote it.

Donations are still possible. Go here to our team page.

Main Entry: an·gel
Pronunciation: \ˈān-jəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English engel & Anglo-French angele; both from Late Latin angelus, from Greek angelos, literally, messenger
Date: before 12th century
1 a : a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence; especially : one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchy b plural : an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy
2 : an attendant spirit or guardian
3 : a usually white-robed winged figure of human form in fine art
4 : messenger, harbinger
5 : a person like an angel (as in looks or behavior)
6 Christian Science : inspiration from God
7 : one (as a backer of a theatrical venture) who aids or supports with money or influence

— an·gel·ic or an·gel·i·cal: adjective

— an·gel·i·cal·ly: adverb


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