Main Course Saturday Beefcake: Hittin' the Sauce

Recently on Top Chef, there appeared a sauce for a winning dish. It was used for beef. We are in a sense, using it here for beef. It is presented with modifications. It is a mighty spicy sauce and should be used with something hearty.

Here are the ingredients:

Plum Tomatoes, six
Whole Star Anise, two
Cardamom, eight pods crushed
Fennel Seeds, one teaspoon
Garlic, one head
Ginger, one knob
Rice Wine Vinegar, one half cup
Crystallized Fructose, one half cup
Sambal, one teaspoon*
Turkey Bacon, two or three strips, in quarter inch pieces
Chicken Stock, one quart
Shallots, two, sliced thin
Salt and pepper
Cooking oil: Olive and/or Canola

Here's what you need to do:

1. Sweat tomatoes with spices, ginger, garlic, and shallots in oil.
2. Add turkey bacon and cook until caramelized.
3. Deglaze with vinegar and add fructose.
4. Add sambal and chicken stock.
5.3 Simmer for 30 minutes.
6. Take off heat and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and reserve.

*To kearn more about sambal, go here.

If the memory serves well, this was for a skirt steak recipe.

It is our good fortune that these young men are not wearing skirts.

Beef, indeed. While, not exactly giving head ...


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