Friday Might: Andrew Christian

POZevent has had the good fortune of having Andrew Christian on board as a sponsor ... Now we have the very good fortune of having him at our event in Hollywood!

From his website:

With his movie star good looks and out of the box designs, fashion God Andrew Christian quickly set himself apart from the other prominent designers of his generation. Born and raised in Fresno, CA Andrew moved to Los Angeles at the age of 19 to pursue a career in fashion. Though he gained experience working briefly for other companies at first, Andrew always knew he’d have his own brand and an outlet to create his unique vision. Just out of high-school, Andrew launched his brand Andrew Christian.

What started as a dream has manifested into a sensation complete with a world wide promotional campaign to introduce the new Andrew Christian Women's Line of underwear. Andrew Christian will also be carried in stores across the world including Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Guam, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United Arab Emirates. For the latest buzz on the Andrew Christian clothing line and events, check out the official site. This charming young man also lent his presence to the Fashion Show, where he stood out in many positive ways. He has a FaceBook presence. Who wouldn't want to be his friend. Come greet this creative genius and support AIDS Walk Los Angeles on October 15.


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