Wednesday Word Redux: AIDS Walk Los Angeles

Hello Good People,

I am here to let you know that I have registered for AIDS Walk Los Angeles 2009, the 25th Anniversary of this magnificent event. HIV/AIDS is a very important issue to me as those of you know me can attest to. As usual I have set an ambitious fundraising goal. I want to do as much as I can to make a difference in the lives of men, women, and children affected by HIV and AIDS. Young people are still getting infected at alarmingly high rates. Recent reports regarding “fatalistic youth” support the issue. Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AIDS Walk Los Angeles

The date of POZ's third annual fund-raiser for AIDS Walk Los Angeles, “Love Out Loud,” has yet to be announced. Special guests are bound to include actress Ilene Kristen (One Life to Live), Sherri Lewis (Straight Girl in a Queer World), Ted Detwiler (Sordid Lives), David Moretti (The Lair), singer, John Pagano (Pure Imagination) … Last year’s party at East/West Lounge was memorable due in no small measure to soap maven Michael Fairman, Patrika Darbo (Days of Our Lives), Ted, Sherri and Ilene. The entertainment industry has lent overwhelming support through their efforts to help those with HIV AIDS. POZ events seem to get bigger and brighter every year. It was so gratifying to have so many celebrities show up last year from CBS, NBC, ABC and here!. This year's evetn takes place at h.wood. Go here to get informed.

All Proceeds go to AIDS Walk Los Angeles

Main Entry: 2walk
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 a: an act or instance of going on foot especially for exercise or pleasure b: space walk
2: an accustomed place of walking : haunt
3: a place designed for walking: a: a railed platform above the roof of a dwelling house b (1): a path specially arranged or paved for walking (2): sidewalk c: a public avenue for promenading : promenade d: ropewalk
4: a place or area of land in which animals feed and exercise with minimal restraint
5: distance to be walked
6British : a ceremonial procession
7: manner of living : conduct, behavior
8 a: the gait of a biped in which the feet are lifted alternately with one foot not clear of the ground before the other touches b: the gait of a quadruped in which there are always at least two feet on the ground ; specifically : a 4-beat gait of a horse in which the feet strike the ground in the sequence near hind, near fore, off hind, off fore c: a low rate of speed
9: a route regularly traversed by a person in the performance of a particular activity (as patrolling, begging, or vending)
10: characteristic manner of walking
11 a: social or economic status b (1): range or sphere of action : field, province (2): vocation
12: base on balls
13: an easy victory


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