Gay Thursday: One Life to Live

Kyle and Roxy have a certain je ne sais quoi. Ilene Kristen can bring the best out in anybody. Well, that in no way demeans the flawed, yet sympathetic character of Kyle as portrayed by Brett Claywell. [above, during his One Tree Hill days.]

Wednesday, July 22 2009: A Night To Remember...
Still outside of Kyle's room, Cris finishes reading the letter from Fish then Kyle appears, asking, "What're you doing here?" Cris admits by reading the letter he thought he could get some answers then Kyle snatches the letter away, reads it, but refuses to give Cris answers, saying what happened between him and Fish was between them! However, when Cris threatens to find out what happened with Fish on his own, Kyle admits that Fish was with someone in college, someone he was crazy about, but that Fish made promises he couldn't keep - he couldn't go the distance. "Fish cared more about what people thought about, so he walked away," Kyle says, "acted like it never happened." Kyle refuses to give Cris anymore of an explanation, and Cris leaves, planning to get one on his own! Kyle's mood worsens when he realizes that he's locked out of his room…

Just then, Roxy appears, who says she doesn't have an extra key to his room, then takes a sit on the floor with Kyle and asks if his mood has something to do with the cute guy who's in the picture with him - inside his room. After Kyle talks about how the guy refuses to tell the truth, Roxy tells him not to be so hard on this guy - as he may be lying to keep his world from spinning out of control. Roxy and Kyle share a bottle of booze. [re-cap from]

There is a forum for the new gay couple in Soap Opera land. Soap fans do not waste any time. Check it out.


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