Tuesday Talent II: Ted Morin

We've run out of gay Harveys to post about, therefore, we're moving on to gay Teds and this one is quite fetching and talented. He can be seen in Loaded.

He had this to say about that:

When I was offered the role I have to admit I was a little hesitant to accept. Loaded makes no apologies. Elliot Potts courageously wrote a play about issues in the gay community that most of us tip toe around and are either too afraid of or too uncomfortable to talk about. The character I play (Patrick) is very opinionated and not very likable. Yet the more I read the play and got to know him, the more I connected with his humanity and ultimately I knew I wanted to tell his story as best I could. In truth, after my first audition I knew that I would have to accept the part if it was offered to me. My heart told me that it was an important play with an important message. I'm grateful for my intuition.


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