Good Eating with Ellie Krieger and Beefcake Lunch, too

What a pleasure to find Ellie Krieger smiling from the newstand. Fine Cooking had the good sense to put out a special issue called Eat Smart with recipes from the voice of reason from The Food Network, or, at least, what used to be the voice in complete opposition to much put forth there lately. One recipe almost chosen is out of season, although delicious but we're going to wait. However, it's one to have and it's "sexy" and it involves fresh figs. Check it out.

The edition is smartly published with good recipes and something that is definitely worth the while. Well, winter won't be here for much longer, but if you're still into the season, here's a great Krieger recipe using butternut squash. So, we'll present it here with a young man presented on the cyber pages of DNA with the unlikely name of Thakur Wint--still a rose by any other name is still a rose and his images are the perfect accompaniment for a warm winter lunch.


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