The Word: Top Chef's Carla

Main Entry: en·ter·tain·ment
Pronunciation: \ˌen-tər-ˈtān-mənt\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1: the act of entertaining
2 archaic : maintenance , provision obsolete : employment
3 a: amusement or diversion provided especially by performers b: something diverting or engaging: as (1): a public performance (2): a usually light comic or adventure novel

Once again succumbing to the lure and temptation of so-called reality TV, it should be said that shows like Top Chef are actually game shows with a peek into the personality of the participant. One of the most entertaining competitors is Carla of the current season. She's hanging in there by the skin of her teeth as a chef, yet, it might be a great idea to keep her on as the show's answer to Tim Gunn as an encouraging and engaging interviewer in future seasons. "Hooty Hoo!"

Another reason to check the upcoming episode (tonight) is the appearance of an all star team of past participants, which includes Spike Mendelsohn.


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