Supper Time Beefcake: Salmon

The Benefits of Fish Oil
Fish oil has many names. One of the most common is omega-3 fatty acid or its scientific abbreviation, N-3. N3 fatty acids are found mostly in fish, but are contained in other foods as well. Fish oil is the best food source of these fatty acids.

The primary benefit of N-3 fish oil is the reduction of platelet activity (blood clotting) and plaque formation which in turn can prevent heart attacks. Here’s how it works.

Platelets are clot-forming blood cells which prevent excessive bleeding. Overly active platelets, however, may speed the build-up of plaque, a deposit of fatty or fibrous material which narrows a blood vessel wall. Elevated blood cholesterol also contributes to the acceleration of plaque formation. When plaque narrows an artery it is easier for a blood clot to get stuck in the artery and this can cause a heart attack. Because platelets also form blood clots, this is likely to occur. That’s why it is desirable to reduce platelet activity and why N-3 fatty acid, fish oil, is beneficial.

Read more here

Once again the pages of Eating Well have been raided for an easy, tasty and healthy recipe. Along with that information regarding fish oil and its benefits have been posted and linked. The recipe comes along with suggestions for side dishes accompanied by our own suggestions for something on the side.


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