Tuesday Talent Redux: Jeremy Davidson

From a fan of his who went to the site BGR Design does for him.

As a spartan watcher of television, I came across the series Without A Trace. I began to follow it closely for its exceptional screen writing and subject matter selection.

My favorite episode to date, one that made a powerful statement to me, was "Penitence" in which the protagonist "MacAvoy", an inmate in prison for a crime of reactive violence, undergoes an soul transformation, redemption, and discovery of his self worth. All of this takes place in the context of the harsh codes and protocols of life in prison.

Logically I know better than to ascribe to the actor in real life the full measure and meaning of a particular character role.

Yet the issues dealt with in this episode, culminating in MacAvoy's allowing his life to be sacrificed for the care and protection of another inmate, were displayed with a convincing clarity beyond the four corners of a character role assignment. Your tone, focus and intensity put credible and convincing power behind the illustration of someone courageously aspiring to redemption under nearly impossible circumstances.

I hope that you seek additional opportunities for complex and powerful characters, difficult subjects and dilemmas of moral courage. These roles deserve a commanding and focused presence such as you delivered as MacAvoy in this episode.

Two thumbs way up to the architects of this series: exceptional in quality and ahead of its time in many of its concepts. I expect a lot from what I actively allocate time to follow. This series, and this episode in particular, delivered on a bullseye.

David in Chicago


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