Wednesday Word: Trick or Treat--Get Some Nuts

There was a silly advert with Mr T making fun of a sissy boy running down the street. It was pulled because it might be offensive to gay people. Was it, really? Well, the answer to that is yes and no. Now, if they want to make a good commercial and sell a lot of candy ...

Main Entry: 2treat
Function: noun
Date: 1651
1 a: an entertainment given without expense to those invited b: the act of providing another with free food, drink, or entertainment
2: an especially unexpected source of joy, delight, or amusement

Main Entry: 1trick
Pronunciation: \ˈtrik\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English trikke, from Anglo-French *trik, from trikier to deceive, cheat, from Vulgar Latin *triccare, alteration of Latin tricari to behave evasively, shuffle, from tricae complications, trifles
Date: 15th century

5 a: a turn of duty at the helm usually lasting for two hours b: shift 4b(1) c: a trip taken as part of one's employment d: a sexual act performed by a prostitute ; also : john 2


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