Saturday Beefcake: It's A Beautiful Morning

How about we start the day with something uniquely delicious. The use of the word scrumptious was somewhat confusing. However, these young men, among whom is a young Spaniard named Pedro provides new impetus for the use of the word.

Main Entry: scrump·tious
Pronunciation: \ˈskrəm(p)-shəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: perhaps alteration of sumptuous
Date: 1830
: delightful, excellent; especially : delicious
— scrump·tious·ly adverb

Main Entry: sump·tu·ous
Pronunciation: \ˈsəm(p)(t)-shə-wəs, -shəs, -shwəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin sumptuosus, from sumptus
Date: 15th century
: extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent ; also : magnificent 4
— sump·tu·ous·ly adverb
— sump·tu·ous·ness noun

It's berry season. Why not start the day as well with something that is high in anti-oxidants and is quite delicious. Blueberries.


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