Tuesday Talent: Giovanni and/or Romeo Roselli

This feature in both of its versions exists to point someone out who has something to offer. A great deal of the time it has a lot to do with someone who is capable of revitalizing one’s fantasy life. There have also been many who are not only easy on the eyes but are actually talented. You can go back and opine for yourself who they are. There have also been more than a few who have good hearts. Sometimes, like this one, one comes up doing a search and catches your eye.

Roselli may be one of those professional wrestlers who is looking to cross over into cinema work. There have been more who have a modicum of success than one might think. Wrestling requires creating a persona to go along with one’s style. Hence, Rosselli’s two first names: Giovanni and Romeo, the second of which is the persona that once was part of the tag team “The Heartthrobs.” These athletic entertainers necessarily have to act and quite often follow through on story lines. In recent memory, John Cena and quite notably Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have had their piece of the cinematic pie. Who knows if this heartbreaker can follow in those rather large foot steps?

Wikipedia had this to say: “Although Roselli continues to work as an independent wrestler, as well as a certified personal trainer, he apparently has turned his attention to acting. He is a member of SAG and AFTRA, and has roles in the films College Road Trip, Baby Mama, and a featured role in The Wrestler.” [starring Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei]

Here is this cute clip retrieved from YouTube:

Of course, as you know, this web log is enamoured with all things Italian and with good reason. So, here is one more reason.


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