The Word

Main Entry: stri·dent
Pronunciation: \ˈstrī-dənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin strident-, stridens, present participle of stridere, stridēre to make a harsh noise
Date: circa 1656
: characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound ; also : commanding attention by a loud or obtrusive quality
synonyms see loud, vociferous
— stri·dent·ly adverb

The harsh noise you hear is not necessarily Rev. Wright's inappropriate behaviour it is the absurd direction taken by a presidential campaign. Does anyone realize that Rev. Wright, as wrong and misdirected as he is, is not running for President and that the religious proclivities of African Americans are varied and most are very different from his?

Grow up, please. We are a nation of big babies, the biggest of which are the infantile MSM.


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