Sunday Song: Forbes Marches On
There won't be an official confirmation, however, most of Forbes March's fans who spend time on the 'net know already that he has been let go by One Life to Live. And those in the know are aware that it has a lot to do with the purging of those characters created by Dena Higley's reign as the show's head writer. It is not because this man has no talent and is not easy on the soap watcher's eyes. He will be sorely missed in a show that needs actors and characters with charisma.
Mr. March had more than a little success in Italy, not the least of which is Vanessa, his lovely wife and the Italian mother of his two children. In his honour this week is the music of Francesco Puccioni, who was born at 01:20 on April 26, 1961in Florence, Italy. Puccioni's musical persona is expressed as Mike Francis.
That persona has created music that can be beautiful, funky and intricate all at once. Not unlike Mr. March.
"Survivor" is ultimately dedicated to Forbes in that he will be going on from this gig. It's Mike on his own. The next song has Amii Stewart providing the vocal for a song that was often heard in the New York bar scene during the waning hours and it was time for "Friends" to get home, sometimes "Together," a song with both Francis and Stewart collaborating as singers and writers.