Monday Meditation: Where We're Going

Six of Wands, a card that has come up for the third time and once again as the moon wanes. it may be re-directing us to last November when it came up and this was stated: This card has come up as the moon wanes and it just might be the time to be done with false and ineffective leadership.

The Queen of Swords is also here again from last November: her life is drawn in two somewhat contradictory directions: Family and home are all important to her; she draws strength from here family. Yet her interpersonal abilities bring her to the forefront of career and social situations, and she finds herself balancing delicately between the two worlds. On the negative side, she is actually very self-centered and has little interest in social causes or the rights of others. She can be both deceitful and disingenuous, and always chooses sides and points of view which will bring her the greatest personal advantage in a given situation.

The Emperor points the way to effective leadership. And the Jungian interpretation according to Wang offers this: At the level of personal interaction and conversation, the father may be verbal, intellectual and rational--sometimes to the point of being cold. And although he may inflict punishment, he is dynamically protective of his own. He is the provider of support, strength, and of fatherly love. He is also the lawgiver although--as will be repeatedly underscored--the Father forgives, but the Mother does not. The opposite side of this Father figure is cruel, oppressive and totally self-centered.

The first two cards which were drawn last November during Scorpio's reign come up again as we re-experience a Scorpio-Taurus axis. The New Moon (5 May 2008) in one week initiates fertility and growth taking us away from the destructive aspect of Scorpio into the rebirth aspect. This week will be full of divesting one's self of Scorpio's penchant for destruction when not getting what it wants--before we can on with it. Look to the primaries on 6 May.


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