Gay Thursday: What It's All About, really

One of the nicer posts out of yesterday had to do with Luke MacFarlane coming out of the closet in a Canadian newspaper. Of course, Perez Hilton would make nice about something like this. MacFarlane articulately made his point on his home turf without hemming or hawing. Those in the life have known for a long time about MacFarlane who was romantically linked to uber-sexy Wentworth Miller by Hilton.

Speaking of links, this was great news for our webguys BGR Design who do a site for the much admired Mr. MacFarlane. OK, the sophisticates among you will respond with a resounding BFD, meaning well actually but finding it something that is just part of life as most intelligent people know it. The site has posted the article in its entirety.

A quote: Though no secret to his family and close friends, Macfarlane has, until now, been guarded about his personal life as a gay man. Over lunch in Los Angeles, where he lives, he initially insists that he has no concerns about his public revelation - but a few seconds later he is shifting nervously in his chair, and concedes that he is "terrified."

"I don't know what will happen professionally ... that is the fear, but I guess I can't really be concerned about what will happen, because it's my truth.
There is this desire in L.A. to wonder who you are and what's been blaring for me for the last three years is how can I be most authentic to myself - so this is the first time I am speaking about it in this way."

The article also talks about the wedding on Brothers & Sisters between Scotty (Luke's character) and Kevin (Matthew Rhys)--while MacFarlane acknowledges that it's still a big deal that the wedding is between two men, it's a milestone. Northern Exposure did it with much panache with two minor recurring characters. B&S is doing it with a front burner character.

What this is really about is this, a comment from a visitor to Luke's fansite:

Ron C April 16, 2008

Thank you for coming out.

When people come out, it does a couple things. It gives the gay youth of today the good role models they need to gain confidence in who they are and shows them that being gay is normal and shouldn't be repressed... and it reduces the influence that the right wing religious zealots. The main weapons they have are fear and ignorance. By showing society that you, and I, and other gay men and women are normal every day citizens, you take away those weapons and their influence diminishes greatly.

I've been out to my family and friends since age 13 and out on my job since week 18 of our 25 week training boot camp like academy (I work for the State Police out here). I have never lost a friend or family member to ignorance and I have gained the respect of my coworkers over the years by just being me and doing my job like everyone else.

Again, it makes me happy to see someone in your profession coming out. You have the opportunity to show so many people that it is ok to be gay and for others to know about it.



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