Tuesday Talent: Jaason Simmons

Baywatch Star Praised As Gay Role Model

Date: 14-Mar-2008

Gay rights advocates have called Tasmanian-born TV star, Jaason Simmons, a role model for young gay Tasmanians following the revelation he has a male partner, intends to marry and has an adopted son.

Tasmanian Gay And Lesbian Rights Group spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said many young gay Tasmanians still grow up feeling isolated and stigmatised.

Tasmania has a chequered history regarding gay rights. Its sodomy ban was only repealed in 1997 and, although the legal rights of gays and lesbians have improved significantly since, homophobia is still a huge problem. However, Tasmania is the only Australian state allowing gay civil unions.

"The success of Jaason Simmons, both in his professional and personal life, sends a message to young gay Tasmanians that they can achieve their goals, and need not be limited by other people's prejudices," Mr Croome said.

Jaason Simmons was the only Australian-born star of the ’90s TV hit Baywatch, starring alongside Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff.

Mr Croome said it was a slap in the face to such prominent Australians as Jaason Simmons that the Australian Government refuses to recognise overseas same-sex marriages.

"Even after Jaason Simmons' is married in Canada, his vows will be ignored under Australian national law and he will be treated as if he is single," Mr Croome said.


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