Songs: What It's All About

It's Xtianity's most important feast, the celebration of the cornerstone of its belief system, that Jesus, the god-man, conquered death. Unfortunately, since that allegedly happened there has been a lot of death occurring--everyday it seems. It's a fact of life. A lot of it these days seems to be happening unnecessarily. Young Muslims are blowing themselves up in order to kill other people who allegedly oppose the ascendancy of their culture. Almost 4,000 young Americans have been sacrificed in the pursuit of a synthetic goal which may amount to, in the long run, American Imperialism and the romanticizing of pain and suffering, which is the sum total of John McCain's presidential campaign.

When Burt Bacharach released At This Time in the recent past, he remarked that in the 60s he hadn't produced any protest songs. In a sense he was wrong.

The songs you hear now on the site have to do with social commentary in the VietNam era and in the onset of the "Free Love Era." They say what they have to say beautifully and simply: what the world needs now is love, I know there's something much more, let the sun shine through.

It's allegedly what Xtianity is all about. Overcoming death on a day to day basis while we live and breathe means that, while we may not necessarily crawl out of our graves three days later, we care about people in our lives and we do not kill other people for some arbitrary dogmatic or patriotic value.

OK, there is a lot of worship of beautiful men in these pages. It means this: better for men to love each other, or at least have fun with each other than kill each other or blow each other up.

Happy Easter.


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