
Showing posts from March, 2008

Monday Monday: Two of Pentacles, Embracing the Challenge

from In the film First Knight, Lancelot takes on a challenge - to move down a line of swinging blades crossing in front of him at random intervals. He succeeds because he is alert, agile and patient. He knows when to move and when to stay still. He glides through the dangers enjoying every moment of this deadly obstacle course. Lancelot has tapped the energy of the Two of Pentacles. There is nothing quite like the feeling of being graceful and effective at the same time. On the Two of Pentacles we see a young man dancing as he juggles his worldly concerns. The infinity sign loops around the two pentacles to suggest that he can handle unlimited problems. In the background we see two ships riding the waves easily - cruising the ups and downs of life. In readings, the Two of Pentacles lets you know that you can juggle all demands made upon you. In fact, you will relish the excitement of every hurdle. If you do not feel this level of confidence right now, this card asks you...

Sunday Songs: And Always Love Me. Why Won't You?

The love fest for all things Bacharach continues and is actually nothing new in these parts. Check this out: Bacharach on column . this week all three are Dionne Warwick recordings--Warwick, the woman who nearly drowned her own exceptional musical resume in the "Psychic Network." a lot of noise in the past has been made about Andrew Lloyd Webber being Giacomo Puccini's cultural heir. Before Andrew there was Burt and a case can be made for the Bacharach body of work, especially in its early years, to carry that mantle. Clear evidence exists within the exceptional "Anyone Who Had A Heart." It was a rare instance when a song of this calibre actually made it into the top ten on the pop chart. "The song starts with sixteenth note triplets and one point veers from 5/4 to 4/4 to 7/8 and back to 5/4 in the space of eight measures. 'I didn't realize how complex it was until I went to write it out, and I saw that it was changing bars," says Burt. 'It...

Saturday Beefcake: Salad Buffet

His name is Cesar, but he's not the offering. It's this simple salad. Prepare the dressing in small bowl: Fresh Orange Juice, one tablespoon White Wine Vinegar, two tablespoons Soy Sauce, two teaspoons Fresh Ginger Root, grated, one teaspoon Sesame Oil, one teaspoon Almond Oil, one teaspoon Garlic, one clove, minced Cayenne Pepper Oil, one eighth teaspoon Stir. Mix Well. Set aside. Let it marinate. In a medium bowl combine: Snow peas, one cup, stem ends removed, string ends removed, blanched Chinese Cabbage, sliced diagonally, one half cup Mushrooms, one half cup, sliced Red Bell Pepper, thin slices, one half cup Carrot, diagonal thin slices, one half cup Scallions, diagonal thin slices, one quarter cup Onion, small, diced Add dressing. Toss. Four servings. A Cesar with a salad.

Saturday Beefcake Breakfast: Sex on a Stick

Hey, Pookie was making much ado about kissy face this past Gay Thursday and it can only bring to mind Thomas Jane and Vincent D'Onofrio in The Velocity of Gary, one of the best man on man celluloid make outs in the post-modern era. For your wake up call here is Thomas in a recent screen cap and, by all means, visit his gallery on our site for your cyber virtual good morning kiss, so to speak

Friday's Main Event: Details, Macy's, The Abbey & A Worthy Cause


Gay Thursdays: To kiss or not to kiss

Now that I've got a satellite dish (took me a while to figure out it wasn't meant to be filled with food), I too can enjoy the wonders of daytime TV. I had noticed that there was a lot of talk on the gay blogs about Nuke and the absence of man-on-man lip action. I even saw where some are actually counting the days or hours since the last time they played tonsil hockey. Although from what I understand there wasn't too much of the tonsils involved. So I thought perhaps they (and the writers) should make a trek across the border and see what happens when a gay high school student meets up with an old flame in the youth-oriented series Degrassi. Once the video loads, you may have to click the stop button and then the play button to start it.

Wednesday's Word: Amanda Baker and Sweet Charity

Charity One entry found. Main Entry: char·i·ty Pronunciation: \ˈcher-ə-tē, ˈcha-rə-\ Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural char·i·ties Etymology: Middle English charite, from Anglo-French charité, from Late Latin caritat-, caritas Christian love, from Latin, dearness, from carus dear; akin to Old Irish carae friend, Sanskrit kāma love Date: 13th century 1: benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity 2 a: generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering; also : aid given to those in need b: an institution engaged in relief of the poor c: public provision for the relief of the needy 3 a: a gift for public benevolent purposes b: an institution (as a hospital) founded by such a gift 4: lenient judgment of others Making a seamless transition from SOAPnet’s General Hospital: Night Shift into Pine Valley Amanda Baker joined the cast of All My Children in the role of Babe Carey in October 2007. This charming belle from Mount Pleasant, South Carolina certainly knows ...

Tuesday's Talent: Jon Hamm

It's refreshing to see a man who is not only relentless in being handsome, but also has an intellect he knows how to use. On Bill Maher's Real Time last week Jon Hamm made good use of both. He is the thinking homo's kind of stud. If he were a character on Murphy Brown , he'd be her boyfriend. It's also refreshing that an actor like him has found a modicum of success on AMC-TV's Mad Men as Don Draper. It's a good bet that we're not about to see him wandering in speedos or as the newest subject in a Calvin Klein advert. Still as intelligent and articulate as he may seem, the thought has crossed a mind or two. Harking back to this feature's beginnings, the man does need to be de-briefed one way or another.

Monday Meditation: The Tower

Given the movement taking place in Pisces and the waning of the moon, there will be major change before the end of the month having to do with sexual mores. How you respond to the Tower's change makes all the difference in how uncomfortable the experience will be. Recognize that the disruption occurred because it was needed. Perhaps embracing the change is too much to ask, but try to find the positive in it. In fact, you may feel tremendous release that you have finally been forced in a new direction. You may have a burst of insight about your situation and reach a new level of understanding about it. It's all about: Suddenly realizing the truth; Exposing what was hidden; Having a burst of insight; Seeing through illusions; Getting the answer; Seeing everything in a flash

Songs: What It's All About

It's Xtianity's most important feast, the celebration of the cornerstone of its belief system, that Jesus, the god-man, conquered death. Unfortunately, since that allegedly happened there has been a lot of death occurring--everyday it seems. It's a fact of life. A lot of it these days seems to be happening unnecessarily. Young Muslims are blowing themselves up in order to kill other people who allegedly oppose the ascendancy of their culture. Almost 4,000 young Americans have been sacrificed in the pursuit of a synthetic goal which may amount to, in the long run, American Imperialism and the romanticizing of pain and suffering, which is the sum total of John McCain's presidential campaign. When Burt Bacharach released At This Time in the recent past, he remarked that in the 60s he hadn't produced any protest songs. In a sense he was wrong. The songs you hear now on the site have to do with social commentary in the VietNam era and in the onset of the "Free Love...

Saturday Beefcake: Easter Pizza

This is not exactly a cake, more like a pie and there is sweet sausage as opposed to beef. It's practically a tradition in Italian American families at Easter. This version here has been on file here since 1983. There are probably as many versions as there are households. The fresh farmer cheese called for is best substituted by fresh, drained, ricotta.

Nothing Could Be Finer: Beefcake in the Morning


Friday's Main Event: A Lot of Drag

The 22nd Annual Night of 1000 Gowns March 29, 2008 7pm Marriott Marquis Hotel Times Square, Broadway at 46th Street New York, NY A charity ball and silent auction to benefit Bailey House and AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA). Join us for the most lavish, glamorous, outrageous event of the season.

Gay Thursday: Signs o' the Times

Not really sure if the person pictured above is actually the blogger, Ali, who is going to be interviewed by the CBC for being openly gay in an unfriendly Arabic/Muslim culture. Although it is quite difficult to read the Arabic, there is definite intrinsic value in simply supporting this brave soul. Go here for his BLOG . Go here for CBC . Another noteworthy entry here is Terrence Howard in the current revival of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof . Looks like he may be the Paul Newman of the 21st Century, only gayer.

Nothing Like Pansies

... following the Vernal Equinox to welcome Spring when a young man's fancy is just that. A sturdy, yet beautiful, flower

The Word: AIDS Walk Cool Cat

patchwork 2 entries found. patchworkpatchwork quilt Main Entry: patch·work Pronunciation: \ˈpach-ˌwərk\ Function: noun Usage: often attributive Date: 1692 1: something composed of miscellaneous or incongruous parts : hodgepodge 2: pieces of cloth of various colors and shapes sewn together to form a covering; also : something resembling such a covering Hello, Most of you have been nudged and cajoled by me since January about POZ’s project for AIDS Walk New York, Love Out Loud. The task is twofold for me: to raise funds for The Walk and to bring people out to Prohibition for our gathering on 14 May 2008. Thorsten Kaye’s fans are the very first to step up. They are not only the first to RSVP for the event, but are excellent fund raisers on their own. My donor page is here should you feel inclined to make a donation. I have been a star walker for years and have no intention of relinquishing the title. The event is chronicled on www.pozevent.c...

Tuesday Talent: Jaason Simmons

Baywatch Star Praised As Gay Role Model Date: 14-Mar-2008 Gay rights advocates have called Tasmanian-born TV star, Jaason Simmons, a role model for young gay Tasmanians following the revelation he has a male partner, intends to marry and has an adopted son. Tasmanian Gay And Lesbian Rights Group spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said many young gay Tasmanians still grow up feeling isolated and stigmatised. Tasmania has a chequered history regarding gay rights. Its sodomy ban was only repealed in 1997 and, although the legal rights of gays and lesbians have improved significantly since, homophobia is still a huge problem. However, Tasmania is the only Australian state allowing gay civil unions. "The success of Jaason Simmons, both in his professional and personal life, sends a message to young gay Tasmanians that they can achieve their goals, and need not be limited by other people's prejudices," Mr Croome said. Jaason Simmons was the only Australian-born star of the ’90s TV hi...

Monday's Meditation

The personality of the King of Wands is a combination of the positive fire energy of the Wands suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is creative and never settles for old, tired approaches. He trusts his originality and allows his inspirations to take form. He's enthusiastic. He steps forward and takes the lead if the opportunity presents itself. Others follow when he shows them the way with confidence. He's forceful in pursuing his goals. He's not a quiet, passive observer unless that suits his purposes. He jumps in and creates results. He's dramatic and exciting. This King is never a wallflower, more often the center of attention. He's bold and daring. He avoids the safe, easy route because he has the energy and assurance to take risks and win. The King of Wands has the courage of his convictions and always believes in himself. In readings, the King of Wands asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: creating a masterpiece, leadin...

Sunday Songs: Randazzling

Among the popmeisters who were possessed of a strong classical music influence was Alessandro "Teddy" Randazzo whose productions were amply represented by the mid sixties hits of Lttle Anthony & the Imperials. His approach to the AM radio craft was actually quite Italian, akin to songs like "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me" ( Io Che Non Vivo ) and "Silent Voices" ( La Voce del Silenzio ) among others--on the US side of the Atlantic, see "Anyone Who Had A Heart." This is classically infused pop music. Italians do it best. "It's Gonna Take A Miracle" was discovered by RnB hounds in 1965. It didn't go very far up the pop charts, but in urban centers like Baltimore and Philadelphia, the song made an impact. It is lush, sophisticated soul with the prerequisite adolescent yearning draped in adult phraseology. The opening chords of "Miracle" are a good segue' from The Miracles' "Ooo Baby Baby." The...

Saturday Beefcake: And the Mousse You Rode In On

The response "... You and the donkey you rode in on" must have come from Jesus Christ's bittersweet triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on what it is allegedly Palm Sunday. Well, maybe that's not the origin of that saying. It seems that Jesus the Christ might have made a bigger splash charging into Jerusalem on a stallion or some such -- but there's this Judaeo-Xtian penchant for humility, a sado-masochistic approach to life which might end up in torture and crucifixion. Still Xtianity's basic tenet and dogma is Resurrection and New Life -- something like eating chocolate which for many does provide a sense of well being. Therefore, in honour of the alleged avatar Jesus and chocoalte bunnies and the upcoming sacred season of the celebration of new life here is a recipe for some absolutely revitalizing chocolate mousse. Just sinful. He might have done better to ride into Jerusalem with a little orange brandy flavoured mousse if not exactly mounting one. The pres...