Moonday Tarot Meditation

About the Five of Cups from

In readings, the Five of Cups can alert you to the possibility of a loss and its associated emotions - sorrow, regret, denial. The loss could be great or small. It could be tangible (money, possession, relationship, work), or intangible (dream, opportunity, prospect, reputation). You may already know what this card represents, but, if not, use it as a warning to help you avoid a loss, or at least reduce its toll.

You may feel discouraged by this card, but it does have a positive side. Every loss opens new possibilities for growth because every loss initiates change. Loss hurts because it is our emotional resistance to change. No matter how much we accept intellectually that we must go with the flow, if that flow separates us from what we love, our feelings say, "No!"

The Jungian interpretation from Robert Wang adds this:

"... this card may be interpreted as the fulfillment of an unconscious desire for the negative experience.

Such interpretation may lead to the philosophical principle of self-determination, the postulate that the experience of each individual is a matter of personal choice at some essential level, although the mechanisms of such choice may not be evident to the waking consciousness." tells us:

For Strategy Questions. Don't look back! When things bottom out in your life and you feel as if you've had the screws put to you, take a deep breath, inspect the damage, and then get down to work again. Recover what you can and pitch the rest. It is not the end of the world ... Avoid making the same mistake twice, but don't be gun-shy either. By the time it's all said and done, this may turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

The Five of cups is the background of tonight's question which had to with healing, or rather the peeling away of that which gets in the way to where we need to go as the moon wanes. The moon has entered Scorpio which is all about death and rebirth, but there will be much confusion before we get to where we need to go within the next week.

What are the current capacities to draw on? The World card was pulled. says:

In readings, it is a very positive sign that you are in a position to realize your heart's desire. What that is for you depends on the situation, but it will always feel great. Remember, though, that Card 21 is a symbol of active contribution and service. To hold the World in our hands, we must give of ourselves to it. That is the source of true happiness.

Wang in his Jungian interpretation offers this:

" ... a profound and practical activity on a multitude of levels. One of the catch phrases of Western mysticism is "As above, so below." ...the card describes the waking consciousness, and the mechanisms of the public self, the Persona, which each individual develops to deal with society."

In psychoanalytic terms, it's the ego, the adult, creative and problem solving part of the personality that the Jungian interpretation emphasizes. It's about integration and rising above unconscious negativity. Healing comes from the integrated self.

And where are we going? A bit of rebirth it seems within the healing ...

It is a truism that there is violence, anger and mean-spiritedness in the world. Certainly there is enough of this, but there is also much good will and caring. A mother hands a drink to her child. A friend lends his car for the weekend. A worker fills in for a sick colleague. Small gestures, barely noticed, but so important. The Six of Cups is a card of simple goodness. It encourages you to be kind, generous and forgiving.

The Six of Cups also represents innocence - a word with many shades of meaning. You can be innocent in the strictly legal sense of lack of guilt. You can be innocent of the truth - unaware of some secret. You can be lacking in deceit or corruption - innocent of ulterior motive. Finally, you can be virtuous or chaste. These are all possibilities that can apply to the Six of Cups, depending on the situation.

Jungian/Wang bring us to something akin to collective consciousness. The conclusion of this meditation says: "This may be a positive card, one of selfless dedication which earns the reward of protection from the group which is served."


The Six of Cups almost radiates an aura of joy, because it represents the past with all its memories, the present with all its gifts, and the future with all its wondrous opportunities. It has ties to all kinds of pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure, but it can also refer to smaller, everyday pleasures. Simple gestures of affection ... are still meaningful despite our modern world and its frantic pace. The Six of Cups can thus signal a gift given or received, or some other similar gesture.


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