Having been turning up the heat today, we thought it opportune to place some emphasis on that which creates the heat. Being bred in a culture where peppers, sweet and hot, are part and parcel of the cuisine, some honour is due to the mediterranean types. This comes from fiery-foods.com about the types in Calabria. 1 - Italian Cayenne variety, hot. 2 - Ciliegia (cherry), big, medium hot. Often used stuffed, then pickled or in olive oil. 3 - Ciliegia , small cherry, hot. Available as whole pods, in olive oil or dried. 4 - A popular hybrid, name unknown. Hot. 5 - Naso di Cane, mild and hot variety, offered dry, tied on a string (fila). 6 - Amando, hot to very hot. 7 - Sigaretta, very hot (similar to Thai), grows upright in clusters. 8 - Another popular hybrid, name unknown. Hot. 9 - Name unknown, hot, gowing upright in clusters, just like Sigaretta. 10 - Chiltepin-like variety with just 1/4" in diameter, very hot. Got this one served in olive oil at a restaurant. 11 - Peperone, dolce...