Tuesday Talent: A Beauty Contest

Florida is in many senses the land of beauty contests. Anyone who has spent any time in South Beach knows that. Hillary Clinton, of all people, won one this very evening. On the other hand, what went on from the Republican side of things had nothing to do with beauty. John McCain who puts a smiley face on war mongering among other atrocities won a narrow victory on the prettiest of the candidates of the Republican ilk. It says a lot about him that he actually respects the likes of Rudy Giuliani ...

Let's not reflect on the ugliness of Florida politics. Al Gore could very well tell us there's no satisfaction in that.

The most disconcerting part of all of this is that over achiever Chris Matthews will get increasingly shriller as the cycle goes on. Will someone please call his AA sponsor?

The real beauty of it all is that Jon Stewart will sharpen his wit and Mr. Colbert will sprint in an even more lively manner while waving the banner of parody.

In the meantime, we post here someone whose true talent is beauty. He's not an actor. He's a model and a skateboarder.

If beauty were the actual ticket to the nomination and winning elections, this guy is the emperor of the universe. Thank you, gods, for Josh Wald.


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