Moonday Tarot

Two of Pentacles

From In readings, the Two of Pentacles lets you know that you can juggle all demands made upon you. In fact, you will relish the excitement of every hurdle. If you do not feel this level of confidence right now, this card asks you to believe in yourself. You have all you need to meet your every goal and more. Embrace the challenge.

The Two of Pentacles also reminds you to be flexible. Lancelot could not have navigated the swords walking in a straight line. He had to move freely and lightly in all directions as needed. You too must be supple if you want to prevail. Don't force your way through or you will be cut down. Now is not the time to be rigid. Know that sometimes a side step, or even a back step is the surest way forward.

The Two of Pentacles is also a symbol of fun, laughter and good times. It is definitely a high-energy card. If you are feeling tired or depressed, this card may be a sign that greater vitality will be yours. If you are feeling revved already, the Two of Pentacles could be a warning against overstimulation. Be sure you get the rest you need so that you can enjoy the up energy of this card.

Jungian interpretation: Reorganization from within and the product of ambition and of individual genius. The energies are very favourable to those in public occupations and in positions of of authority--to all who need to act with creativity and with certainty ... This is a very strong card which describes change without values implied. What emerges is not necessarily better--it is simply different from what it replaced.

King of Pentacles

From In readings, the King of Pentacles asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: keeping a commitment, fixing something that's broken, making money, or sponsoring a new enterprise. This King can also represent a man or woman who is acting as he does, or an atmosphere of steady, reliable competence. In a reading, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.

The Jungian interpretation: The King is an extremely independent and assertive man, one who is strong and uncompromising, and who holds prominence and enormous responsibility ... always willing to listen, yet egocentric and demanding, always believing that whatever he decides is right ... he asks of others the same dedication that he demands from himself. He is a man of considerable integrity, but when cornered, or in a bad situation, he may act with ruthlessness, a disregard for others, and even cruelty.

Seven of Wands

From The Seven of Wands stands for aggression and defiance because they are two sides of the same coin. You attack; your opponent defends. He counterattacks; you defend.

Some battles are worth fighting, others just cause trouble. If you are involved in a conflict, ask yourself if it's worth the struggle. Is it important? Does it have value? Will the outcome serve you or others? If so, be bold and aggressive. Defend your position. Refuse to yield! If not, then consider letting the conflict go. Be honest with yourself about this. You will be tempted to hold onto your position, especially if you have invested much time and energy into it. Don't let battle lines be drawn unless the war is worth fighting.

The Seven of Wands can also indicate strong convictions. In order to take a firm stand, you must believe in your position and yourself. You'll need integrity and strength of character to see you through. If your cause is just, use the energy of the Seven of Wands to make a difference.

Jungian interpretation: The energies of this card are exciting. Love and money may come like a tidal wave, but be wasted. There is here the possibility of loss of love, money, or friends, through one's own excesses. This is a card by which we learn to 'watch the watcher,' by which we analyze the very essence of our inmost desires. It helps us to consider the nature of raw passion, desire which can control us if we are not careful.

These cards were drawn once again in the moment of contemplating how change would take place. They are powerful cards, no nonsense cards with commitment and responsibility being driven by passion.


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