Gay Thursday III: Ganymede

All that fuss over a play! Perhaps it is best to enjoy the stories and mythological truths of older religions. For example, Zeus' (Jupiter's) love for Ganymede.

"Ganymede is the young, beautiful boy that became one of Zeus'
lovers. One source of the myth says that Zeus fell in love with
Ganymede when he spotted him herding his flock on Mount Ida. Zeus then
came down in the form of an eagle or sent an eagle to carry Ganymede to
Mount Olympus where Ganymede became cup bearer to the gods."

"Upon hearing that Ganymede was to be cup bearer as well as Zeus' lover, the
infinitely jealous Hera was outraged. Therefore Zeus set Ganymede's image among the stars as the constellation Aquarius, the water carrier."

"All of Zeus' scandalous liaisons have allegorical meanings.
Some sources say that Zeus' affair with Ganymede was a (religious)
justification for homosexuality within the Greek culture, yet others
state that this is merely a reflection of Greek life at that time."

This is the week that started with an homage to free love followed by a tarot meditation focusing on the paternal god in the psychic life paving the way for change.

Of course, there was Mr. Ledger's passing which provoked some meditation as well as Mr. Travolta's interesting and endearing expression of sadness--a cinematic god in a sense with his own ganymede.

So what if one were to believe in or meditate on a homosexual Jesus? Would it not be a reflection of today's life?

Jesus, of course--according to the accepted New Testament scripture--mentioned homosexuality not even once. Oh, and he did have a beloved disciple. Just sayin'.


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