The Wednesday Word: Colin Farrell

and continuing to be loyal to him ...

Actor Colin Farrell credits his gay brother Eamonn for inspiring his portrayal of Alexander as a bisexual warrior king.

The Irish star learned about being strong in the face of adversity from his sibling, who was bullied throughout his adolescence for his homosexuality.

Farrell says, "He's a very strong man who had a hard time in school standing up for who he was.

"He taught me about love and understanding."

Look for him in Woody Allen's Cassandra's Dream.

One entry found.


Main Entry: loy·al
Pronunciation: \ˈlȯi(-ə)l\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French, from Old French leial, leel, from Latin legalis legal
Date: 1531
1: unswerving in allegiance: as a: faithful in allegiance to one's lawful sovereign or government b: faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due c: faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
2: showing loyalty
3obsolete : lawful, legitimate
synonyms see faithful


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