Tuesday Talent: A lot of Smoke, Suspiciously Random Smoke

There was some talk around here about using this current event (or non-event, as the case may be) for Gay Thursdays. By then it may have fizzled out, or taken on more life. It is important to say this: all gay people are homosexual, but not all homosexuals are gay. Trent Lott may be homosexual, but he is definitely not gay.

Benjamin Nicholas is both.

He seems to be quite talented at being both. Now he is the center of what may turn out to be another GOP gay scandal. This web log has no problem with consenting adult activity. This web log has a lot of problems with hypocrisy and deep disrespect for one’s own kind. There is a lot of that going on here, perhaps with both participants in this nascent drama.

From Dan Savage at The Stranger, pointing to the why and wherefore of the finger being pointed at Mr. Nicholas.

"The credibility-challenged blogger that, er, fingered Nicholas stands by his story. Nicholas, for his part, denies ever having seen Lott in a professional capacity—or in any other capacity. He also insists that the quotes attributed to him on BigHeadDC were “falsely pieced together” and that BigHeadDC’s story was “fabricated.” But Nicholas has credibility problems of his own.

"At the moment I’m inclined to believe Nicholas when he denies any involvement with Lott—even though, of course, Nicholas’ commitment to client confidentiality pretty much requires him to deny ever having seen Lott. But one thing gives me pause—one aspect of this makes me think that there might be something to this.

…Still, it seems a little too random—suspiciously random—that BigHeadDC would tag Nicholas with this and not one of the dozens of male escorts working in Washington D.C."

Go here to read it all

DC Head has posted all the electronic correspondence received from Mr. Nicholas and go here to read them.

What makes all of this quite interesting is Nicholas’ emphasis on his profession’s professional protection of the client’s privacy

Previously in The Stranger, 6 November, 2006:

"Private Lives"
This Male Escort Doesn't Think Mike Jones Is a Hero
By Benjamin Nicholas

“When Haggard paid Jones for these "massages," he was in effect not only paying for the intended sexual action, but also for something much more important: privacy. Any professional in the sex industry worth his or her salt would agree that Jones was wrong to expose Haggard, however offensive the pastor's hypocrisy.”

Here’s the complete article

Before this gets lost in the mess about to ensue in cyberdom, let it be said here: Hypocritical people in power who are self-loathing and oppress others who are like them—should be outed. There is no honour is protecting the likes of Trent Lott or other self-righteous hypocrites that have gone before him. Mr. Nicholas seems to be on first name basis with “Trent,” he ought to, then--please--use that familiarity to encourage the man to come clean.

All of this is very believable, by the way, and should it be proven true—how refreshing it would be for someone to just admit not only the deed, but also how wrong they’ve been all along.

So, here’s to two very talented men who know how to be wrong.


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