Wednesday Word: Ryan Idol

There were more than one known entities in Roundabout's The Ritz, one of which was Rosie Perez's comedic genius if not necessarily in delivering a line but in delivering physical, visual and audio farce as Googie Gomez.

There are two stars of Terrence McNally's play. One is Ms. Gomez who can leave the observer in fits of laughing tears, because in all of her absurdity she is identifiable. She is us. That's why we love her. The other star is gay male sexuality, which for all intents and purposes is penetration and slurpiness but in most peoples' reality it is soul and depth. It's love.

Therefore, while Rosie's newest vehicle shows off what she can do, the supporting role supplied by Ryan Idol a.k.a. Marc Anthony Donais is in many ways what it is all about and what the burgeoning gay consciousness was in the 70s before the AIDS crisis cut it right down.

Here are classic images of Mr. Idol who appears as "Crisco Patron" in this farcical tribute to the gay bath house scene; but meeting him in person even clothed in a bath towel, one could only focus on the windows of the soul--he has such beautiful eyes.

Main Entry: 1eye
Pronunciation: \ˈī\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ēage; akin to Old High German ouga eye, Latin oculus, Greek ōps eye, face, Sanskrit akṣi eye
Date: before 12th century

1 a: a specialized light-sensitive sensory structure of animals that in nearly all vertebrates, most arthropods, and some mollusks is the image-forming organ of sight; especially : the nearly spherical usually paired hollow organ of sight in vertebrates that is filled with a jellylike material, is lined with a photosensitive retina, and is lodged in a bony orbit in the skull b: all the visible structures within and surrounding the orbit and including eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows c (1): the faculty of seeing with eyes (2): the faculty of intellectual or aesthetic perception or appreciation (3): skill or ability dependent upon eyesight


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