Saturday Beefcake: A Blast From the Past
Last year on this weekend the photo for this feature came from late gay photographer Bill Costa who lived in New York City and whose photographic art used the black and white format often using young men who were not professional models. On New York's Gay Pride Weekend here again is published last year's post but with more photography from the very good and very kind Bill Costa.
There is usually much activity in the CoL offices on Saturday, most of it has to do with the image that is to be stolen from the internet. Today the discussion around that was minimal because a stock image from the late photographer, Bill Costa's files was used.
It was the choice of a recipe that caused most problems. Ms. Bernice kept going on about pulled pork and we weren't sure if she was speaking about a recipe. Anyway, Bernice would not sit still because she's getting ready to go a Gay Pride barbecue in Manhattan thinking that Charles Busch & Jason Priestly were going to be there. Well, first of all that was Monday and it wasn't Jason Priestly, but Pookie didn't have time to set her straight. He kept going on about tossed salads and eggbeaters; and he is much too busy taking care of Timothy Adams and Michael Lombardi, well not exactly them, but their new sites. Nurse Betty's calming influence was nowhere to be found. She couldn't be convinced that other than Maple Syrup & that so called bacon Canadian cuisine didn't have much to offer.
Outside cooking and get-togethers are the order of the day, and it does seem the subject of Mr. Costa's photograph is waiting for something or someone to arrive. A side dish perhaps? As Bernice whizzed out the door in her usual flurry, she was heard to exclaim: "Stuff it, Bozo."
Inspiration from none other than our Manhattan correspondent. Here is a recipe for stuffed Summer Squash. It is based on Nadia Battini's of Liguria which came via cookbook author, Anissa Helou.
Zucchine Ripiene
8 small summer squash
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
One medium onion, chopped finely
One small fennel, chopped finely
One small carrot, chopped finely
Fresh Basil and Fresh Parsley
Egg, one beaten
Grated Parmigiano or Romano
Minced ham, or Canadian Bacon (ok, Nurse Betty? Still it's optional) You can also use grilled sweet bell peppper in its place
Small Potato, cooked and mashed
salt and pepper
1. The onion, fennel and carrot are to be cooked in a covered pan in the olive oil for about 8 minutes and then add a bit of both the parsley and basil for about two more.
2. Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl, add the rest of the ingredients except the breadcrumbs. Salt & Pepper.
3. The squash is cut lengthwise and steamed.
4. Scoop out the centers.
5. The innards of the squash are to be mixed with the stuffing in the mixing bowl and placed in the shells of the squash.
6. These are to be baked in a preheated oven @ 350F in a well oiled baking dish for about 20 minutes which should bring them to a golden and crispy disposition.
7. Prepare well in advance because they are to be served at room temperature.
8 small summer squash
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
One medium onion, chopped finely
One small fennel, chopped finely
One small carrot, chopped finely
Fresh Basil and Fresh Parsley
Egg, one beaten
Grated Parmigiano or Romano
Minced ham, or Canadian Bacon (ok, Nurse Betty? Still it's optional) You can also use grilled sweet bell peppper in its place
Small Potato, cooked and mashed
salt and pepper
1. The onion, fennel and carrot are to be cooked in a covered pan in the olive oil for about 8 minutes and then add a bit of both the parsley and basil for about two more.
2. Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl, add the rest of the ingredients except the breadcrumbs. Salt & Pepper.
3. The squash is cut lengthwise and steamed.
4. Scoop out the centers.
5. The innards of the squash are to be mixed with the stuffing in the mixing bowl and placed in the shells of the squash.
6. These are to be baked in a preheated oven @ 350F in a well oiled baking dish for about 20 minutes which should bring them to a golden and crispy disposition.
7. Prepare well in advance because they are to be served at room temperature.
This is a great side dish for backyard parties and barbecues. Well, if you are either going to eat a side dish or even be one, there's nothing wrong at all with stuffing it. Just ask Bernice.