The Tuesday De-Briefing: Hail to the Chef

The internet is a vast sea of information – all kinds of information – most of it is valuable. Some times searching can bring to the fore an interesting individual. Dave Nathan is a discovery that is very apropos to this site and log and just when we needed a subject for our weekly de-briefing. The Seattle native and current denizen of Portland, Oregon is a physique expert, gourmet chef and print model. He can cook! All the more reason to de-brief him! Food Network, are you paying attention?

Here are two links – his official site and his cooking site.

This is a man who knows how to satisfy just about every one of the senses.

Dave has appeared in:
American Health and Fitness
Excercise and Health
Men's Workout
Playgirl - centerfold
Excercise for Men Only
Bison World
Bend Living Magazine

Dave has competed and won:
'96 Northwest Natural Second place novice heavy weight
'96 Washington Ironman Fourth place open heavyweight
'02 Bill Pearl Classic Second place super heavy weight
'02 Oregon Ironman overall champion
'02 Northwest Natural overall champion
'03 Oregon Ironman overall champion
'03 Northwest Natural First place open heavyweight
'03 Emerald Cup First place open super heavyweight
'03 Northern Pacific championships Second place open super heavy weight
'04 Emerald Cup third place open super heavy weight


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