Song of the Week: Love Out Loud

Once again Michael Clay's capo lavoro "Love Out Loud" as the song of the week. "It's time to free the voice inside me" is an important part of the lyric. The song is also the theme of POZ's effort to raise funds for AIDS Walk New York. Please bear in mind this Mother's Day that the effort takes once agan this year at Prohibition this coming Wednesday. Check it out.

Dennis Daniel's reminiscence from POZ magazine is included. go here for POZ. Also, you have a portrait of an HIV+ mother and child. In these parts much is made of frivolous things, hot men, television shows and soap operas. If somehow all that frivolity can be brought together to make the world a better place -- hey, what the hell.

"Love Out Loud "

I was born with bugle horns and trumpets in my heart

Mandolins, and accordions and voices in three parts

Pounding drums, guitar strums and choirs singing out

I was Born to Love Out Loud

…words and music by Michael Clay


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