The Tuesday De-Briefing: Alec Musser II
Alec was the original subject for a de-briefing when terrific photos of his modelling undergear were discovered. Go here Musser is an original in more ways than one -- well, not so much that he wanted to parlay his modelling career into acting. His look is unique and he has a wry humour about him and doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. The little time viewers get to see him bring Del Henry to life, he brings to it classic All My Children best portrayed by Michael E. Knight in his Tad Martin persona. That Alec gets little screen was the reason his first de-briefing was called for. Well, there were other reasons, obviously.
So, now here he is in the June issue of Men's Workout and there is no mention of who he is. Yo! What's the use of de-briefing this fine man if you don't let the world know who he is. OK, it is shamelessly shilling for him -- not to his knowledge -- still it lets the rest of you know that this beautiful creation of a man is out there. So, once again the de-briefing of Alec Musser is called for as long as the masterpiece is named.