Song of the Week, Le Cinque Terre and Acrophobia

Bruno Gattolin a native of La Spezia was enamoured of all things American -- to be more specific, all things Gay American. Being able to speak Gay American was one of his goals and when he met anyone who was fluent in that dialect, he fell head over heels. La Spezia is situated just below the resort villages of the Cinque Terre.

Walking along the mountain path around Manarola one of the villages of the Cinque Terre (the 'Five Lands')with two other Italian men made reaching the point where one could see only sea and sky from a ledge literally breath taking. While many would have been taken by experiencing beauty first hand such as unalderated nature and three Italian men the acrophobic among us might be frozen in fear.

The admonition was not to look down while making way back to the sea to enjoy a picnic and it was very important not to think about heads going over heels. It is a blessing to be able to recall the picnic looking out toward the Gulf of Genoa and the eventual devouring. There's nothing like an Italian menage a quatre. No, that is not a meal, but if it gets too high just don't look down -- also, heels over head is a much more practical position.

In remembrance of the late Bruno Gattolin and the Cinque Terre, here is once again Mina's erotic classic, L'Importante E Finire with some pictures from the Cinque Terre -- here also more of actor, Marco Dapper interpreting the role of a man he resembles within the aforementioned menage with Palm Springs doubling for Manarola (thank you, Lewis Payton).

As time rolls on, it is tempting to recall many times and places as idyllic. Obviously not as one often gets frozen in fear while experiencing exceptional beauty. Bruno himself succumbed to the disease that came his way -- more than likely via a gay American. Still, he did get to enjoy life in the three decades or so he got to be on this beautiful earth. He came from a beautiful place with breathtaking beauty.

Adesso arriva lui,
apre piano la porta
poi si butta sul letto
e poi e poi
ad un tratto io sento
afferrarmi le mani
le mie gambe tremare
e poi e poi e poi e poi
spegne adagio la luce,
la sua bocca sul collo
ha il respiro un po' caldo
ho deciso lo mollo,
ma non so se poi farlo
o lasciarlo soffrire
l'importante è... finire.

Adesso volta la faccia,
questa è l'ultima volta che lo lascio morire
e poi e poi
ha talento da grande lui
nel fare l'amore
sa pigliare il mio cuore
e poi e poi e poi e poi
ha il volto sconvolto
io gli dico ti amo,
ricomincia da capo
è violento il respiro,
io non so se restare
o rifarlo morire
l'importante è... finire


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