Polish Legislated Homophobia: No Joke

The Polish government is to ban discussions on homosexuality in schools and educational institutions across the country, with teachers facing the sack, fines or imprisonment …

President Lech Kaczynski, [alleged closet case] the twin brother of the prime minister, has given his support to the law, claiming that the future of the human race is dependent on discrediting homosexuality in the classroom
During a visit to Ireland last month, he said: "If that kind of approach to sexual life were to be promoted on a grand scale, the human race would disappear." …

"I am embarrassed to hear of such a proposal," said Robert Biedron … "Poland is like an island drifting away from the rest of Europe ... don't we already know this kind of language from not so distant history?"

During a gay campaign march through Warsaw last year, members of the League of Polish Families youth wing threw stones and bottles at the participants and shouted: "Euthanasia for gays, concentration camps for lesbians."

Radio Maryja, an ultra-nationalist Catholic radio station supported by the government, views the EU as a gay conspiracy and frequently refers in its broadcasts to "homosexual terror" and "sodomitical unions".
The European Commission has condemned the Polish government, whose motto is "moral renewal", for its homophobic views.

Go here for the entire read in The Guardian


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